Chapter 114 - Multi (2)

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Huh? No, that’s not it. I never said anything about a package deal from the start, did I? Kang Woojin sensed a misunderstanding in Choi Sung-gun’s question. He knew that if he let it go, it would just roll on as is, so Woojin quickly opened his mouth.

“No, that’s not what I mean.”

“It’s okay. I don’t like being treated as part of a bundle deal either.”

As if to reassure him, Choi Sung-gun cut him off.

“If the meeting goes forward, I’ll push for you to go solo. Actually, if everyone appears together, there’s nothing good in it for you. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up taking all the responsibility, right? Becomes too much responsibility. A bundled deal has no merit for someone like you, who is on the rise.”

Choi Sung-gun spouted some hard to understand words, and Woojin, sensing a slight crisis, tried to speak again. But then,

“Woojin! Standby!!”

His standby time was over.


The days were long, but somehow time flew by incredibly fast. It was Kang Woojin’s story. Busy schedules. Shooting, shooting, shooting. To others, his work schedule was enough to make them gasp, but Woojin stubbornly endured.

No, more accurately, that’s how it appeared to others.

“Look at Woojin, why does he look so unfazed?”

“Right! I’ve noticed that too! Isn’t Woojin really busy these days? Plus, with such a tight shooting schedule, but I haven’t seen his expression change once.”

“Even his acting hasn’t deteriorated at all.”

“What the? Normally, you’d be chugging energy drinks to keep yourself going?”

Eventually, when his concept and stamina reached their limits, Kang Woojin would quickly retreat to the void space. Arriving in the endlessly dark void, Woojin would commence his own form of recovery.

“Is it night already? Time seems to be passing so damn slowly, but before I know it, another day is gone. Crazy.”

He clicked his tongue at the fleeting nature of time. Especially since Kang Woojin’s days were unavoidably longer than others’. After all, it included the time in the real world and the time in the void space. Yet, his days flew by like an arrow.

Is this the life of a trending celebrity?

In the midst of his chaotic schedule, Woojin focused on the ‘Male Friend’ shoot and, handled by the capable Choi Sung-gun, he had to proceed with minor tasks in between. Projects to shoot, additional casting calls, commercials, and other miscellaneous schedules.

Even a rough estimate was mind-numbing, but Choi Sung-gun was handling both his role as a CEO and taking perfect care of Woojin as his manager.

Of course, all this was possible because Kang Woojin was holding up well.

In the meantime, Choi Sung-gun didn’t neglect networking, including with director Shin Dong-chun.

“Oh my, Director Shin. I hear rumors that you’ve already signed a contract for your next film? And that it’s with a major film company?”

“Hahaha, as expected of CEO Choi. Your information network is faster than light.”

“If you need any information about that film company, let me know. I’ll tell you what I know.”

As the shooting of ‘Male Friend’ reached its halfway point, Netflix put even more effort into its promotion. They didn’t just circulate articles but also posted promotional interview videos on YouTube.

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