Chapter 165 - Breaking (4)

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What’s that supposed to mean? It was Kang Woojin’s honest feeling. Why is the Academy Awards coming up out of nowhere? It would surely be similar even if it wasn’t Kang Woojin. There was no explanation given before and after.

‘Is the Academy Award currently impossible? No, isn’t it always impossible there??’

Naturally, Kang Woojin was somewhat aware of the Oscars or the Academy Awards. It was common knowledge. Well, it’s still similar now, but anyway, he had seen it in past articles.

Of course, all related to Korea.

A Korean Hollywood actor receiving an award at the Academy Awards, or a Korean movie performing well in Cannes and then being nominated for the Academy Awards after being released overseas. Woojin’s memory wasn’t wrong. There actually were Korean movies invited to the Academy Awards in the history of Korean cinema.

Just two works.

One in 2010, and another in 2015. The commonality between these two works was that they were recognized at two of the world’s three major international film festivals, Cannes and Venice Film Festival. Later, they were nominated as preliminary candidates for the Academy Awards but, unfortunately, they were eliminated during the official candidate selection process.

Regardless, being a preliminary candidate was a first for Korea.

And despite the efforts of many Korean directors, that record has still not been broken. One thing was clear to Kang Woojin.

‘The Academy Awards are just an insanely awesome place, right? Isn’t even imagining about it supposed to cost money? A place like fantasy.’

The Academy Awards were indeed a ceremony that existed in another world. Therefore, even though Woojin became an actor, he had never thought about it. Well, it would likely remain the same going forward. It was too far-fetched.

So, Choi Sung-gun’s words were.

‘And the Oscars are currently impossible.’

It was absurd yet obvious. Thanks to this, Woojin felt a bit silly but decided to thicken his concept act. He couldn’t appear weak, so he added a suitable amount of pretense. Yeah, it’s a predetermined response, but a bit of showing off wouldn’t be bad, right?

“Of course, it would be difficult this year.”

The answers that followed from Choi Sung-gun were enough to confuse Woojin.

“Were you aiming for the Oscars from the start? I feel slighted. You should’ve given me a hint about that crazy plan, so I could’ve prepared myself mentally. It’s enough to give someone a heart attack.”

What in the world are you talking about? Woojin’s whole body was wrapped in extreme confusion for the first time in a while. When did I ever aim for the Academy Awards? I don’t understand at all?

This feeling was similar to when the snowball of misunderstanding starts rolling.

‘Where? Exactly where did this misunderstanding come from?’

Unlike usual, the current misunderstanding was too massive. But he couldn’t think of any section that led to this. After all, the words ‘Academy Awards’ or ‘Oscars’ had never come out of Woojin’s mouth.

At this moment, Choi Sung-gun sighed deeply and continued speaking.

“Whew- Director Ahn Ga-bok… His insight is terrifying. He’s only seen you for a few days, yet he understands your feelings.”

Who? That old grandpa? Why is he mentioned here? Woojin asked quietly, filled with question marks.

“…I didn’t mention it to him.”

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