Chapter 22 - Reading (3)

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Ever since he arrived at the condo, Kang Woojin’s heart had been pounding non-stop. He was extremely nervous. Is this the place I should be in? He wondered. He was thrown into a new environment too abruptly to adapt.

Woojin tried to maintain a poker face, but it was a war zone inside.

‘Keep calm. Don’t panic, they’re all just people. I’m confident, I’m tough.’

He tried to control his mind to cover up his humble citizen’s essence.


“Hong Hye-yeon, when did you confirm this project?”

All the actors who recognized top actress Hong Hye-yeon and approached her didn’t even care about Kang Woojin. It was strange to recognize him.

Thanks to that.

‘I should hide behind Hong Hye-yeon.’

He bought time. Kang Woojin used Hong Hye-yeon as a shield and quietly focused on breathing. This condo was a critical location for Woojin’s disguise. Hundreds of watching eyes.

‘Because they are all acting masters.’

The hall was filled with veterans in the field. He has been maintaining the disguise well so far, but if it collapses here, everything goes back to square one.

So he had to be more alert than usual.

‘Ah- Shit. Control your expression, control your expression.

Honestly, at this moment just before the script reading, Kang Woojin was staking his life on ‘disguise’ more than ‘acting’. At that time.

“Hong Hye-yeon, are you going to the after-party after today’s reading?”

A tall, handsome actor approached Hong Hye-yeon at the entrance of the large hall. As soon as Woojin saw him, he recognized him.

‘Ah, Ryu Jung-min. He’s really good-looking.’

He recognized Ryu Jung-min, the male lead of ‘Profiler Hanryang’, whom he had only seen in the news. He had seen many actors on the way, but Ryu Jung-min indeed exuded a different aura. It was then that Ryu Jung-min brought up the actor playing the role of Park Dae-ri, who was right next to him.

“Hey, have you seen the actor for the role of Park Dae-ri?”

Woojin unknowingly was about to raise his hand in surprise. He barely held back.

‘That actor is here, right in front of you.’

The problem was.

“Oh- This guy looks too good to be a manager. He is handsome.”

Ryu Jung-min suddenly showed interest in Kang Woojin. He openly called Woojin, Hong Hye-yeon’s manager. What’s going on? Why is he misunderstanding? However, Woojin focused on the compliment ‘handsome’ that came out of Ryu Jung-min’s mouth.

‘Crazy. I almost laughed.’

Even if it’s an empty compliment, Ryu Jung-min, the nation’s boyfriend, called him handsome, so he must feel like dancing. But it didn’t end there. Ryu Jung-min stepped forward to Woojin and said,

“Really, you should try acting once. It’s a waste of your face not to.”

Ah, but this guy is really handsome. Even more so up close. A face that could effortlessly pull off long hair. Women would go crazy for someone as handsome as him. Kang Woojin unknowingly found himself admiring Ryu Jung-min’s face. No, he was mesmerized.

The Mistaken Genius Actor 🧑🏻‍🎤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt