Chapter 157 - Solo (4)

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“······What? Essence?”

The film company CEO tilted his head in confusion. Well, digesting Director Ahn Ga-bok’s words on the spot was difficult for anyone. It seemed that Director Ahn Ga-bok himself was not unaware of this.


He slowly shook his head, which was full of short white hair.

“It was just a monologue.”

“Ah- Is that so? Um, if you’ve met Kang Woojin, did you also mention you would be coming on the filming of ‘Island of the Missing’?”

“I did. I mentioned it casually; probably Director Kwon will inform the actors about it today.”

The film company CEO took out his cellphone and continued.

“Understood. I’ll also prepare accordingly. Ah, did you happen to ask Kang Woojin about the sign language part?”

“Yes. I heard he can do a bit of American Sign Language, not just Korean and Japanese Sign Language.”

The film company CEO’s eyes slightly widened.

“Wow- Really? What an extraordinary guy. It’s one thing to be fluent in English, but to know Japanese and various sign languages······”

“It’s excessive what he has. However, usually when someone is too greedy, they spread themselves too thin, but that guy doesn’t seem to have any problems at all.”

“How could he have learned so much at such a young age? Some people spend their entire lives just learning English. And his acting is at that level too.”



“I heard it from Director Kwon. He said self-taught.”

The film company CEO furrowed his brow as if to say, what are you talking about.

“Do you actually believe such an unbelievable thing? Self-taught?”

Director Ahn Ga-bok smiled with the calmness unique to a veteran, yet his tone carried significant weight.

“What will you do if you don’t believe it? He actually exists. Besides, believing it or not is utterly meaningless. What’s most important now is to see his acting firsthand.”

There was a lot implied in his words. Director Ahn Ga-bok had his own plans. He came in person, wanted to see a group shot of the top actors, not watching in hiding but openly, among other things.

A quite groundbreaking change had occurred.

In such a scenario, what kind of acting would this monstrous rookie show? Not on a screen or TV, but in an actual scene, what kind of energy does he exude? How is the chemistry between the actors? Besides his strange and freaky acting ability, what else does he have?


Director Ahn Ga-bok, known as the history of Korean cinema, was eager to check Kang Woojin’s capacity. This also refers to an actor’s overall capacity, including acting, to see if they are suitable as a long-term collaborator, considering their acting abilities..

‘The size and type of capacity.’

There was nothing like it. At least, that was the case in Director Ahn Ga-bok’s longstanding conviction. Anyway, the film company CEO said.

“Well, I understand. After checking the ‘Island of the Missing’ site, should I arrange the return schedule immediately?”

“Yes, do that. And reserve tickets for ‘Drug Dealer’ the next day. Let’s go watch it together.”

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