"In here!" Lillian called back from the cell which made Judith startle. Lillian mumbled an apology to the baby, she wasn't sure why but she still did it.

"Oh thank god." Maggie sighed as she entered the cell, seeing Lillian holding Judith in the corner. Lillian sent her a small smile before watching as Colton pushed his way in front of Maggie.

"Did you hear all of that shit, Lilli??" Colton ask with a lot of enthusiasm which made Maggie send him a glare.

"Yeah... are we under attack?"

"Yeah! The Governor guy rolled up, shot as us, and then released walkers in the field!" Colton explained to her. He almost sounded excited but Lillian could tell by the invisible smile that he was worried as he explained in his high pitch voice.

"Colton. Would you relax?" Maggie scolded Colton who just shrugged at her.

"Maggie." Rick called to Maggie. What Lillian didn't see was him motioning for them to come out with the group.

"Alright, do you want me to take her?" Maggie offered as she took a couple of steps closer to Lillian.

"Yes please." Lillian sighed. Maggie let out a chuckled as she reached down and picked up the baby from Lillian. Lillian felt like she could breathe again.

"I know. She's heavy, huh?" Maggie smiled as she cradled Judith.

"Yeah." Lillian mumbled as she pushed herself off of the ground. "Did anyone get hurt?"

"We're all okay." Maggie told her. Lillian let out a breath of relief. They were all okay. Lillian followed Maggie out of the cell with Colton walking next to her.

"I shot a couple of walkers." Colton smiled as he told her proudly. Lillian smiled back at Colton, sticking her fist out for a fist bump which he returned. Maggie finally stopped walking as she got in front of the group and Lillian moved to stand next to her. To her surprise, she saw both Merle and Daryl.

Merle stood behind the locked bar door with a smirk on his face as he was listening to Glenn throw another fit over Merle being there. Daryl on the other hand glared at Glenn.

"I thought we agreed, Rick." Glenn spat at him.

"It isn't safe for nobody out there. It's temporary, trust me." Rick raised his voice as Glenn, his voice deep and intimidating.

"Glenn. Stop it." Maggie scolded him. She gave him a mean look which caused him to roll his eyes and walk off.

"For now, nobody leaves the cell block." Rick demanded of the group.

All Lillian wanted to do was run up to Daryl, give him a hug, and beg him not to leave again. Last time she did that, he left anyways. She begged him two times and he left anyways. Daryl turned and caught Lillian's eye, Lillian watched as his gaze softened. She slowly furrowed her eyebrows just enough to make her look mad.

"What do we do Rick?" Beth asked him. He only sighed and basically shrugged with his arms on his hips.

"I don't— For now, we stay inside. Sun will set soon, we will figure out something tomorrow morning." Rick explained. The group began to disperse, some talking amongst each other, some letting out frustrated groans.

Lillian simply turned around and ran up the stairs. She hadn't moved her stuff back into her cell yet, they were still with Daryl stuff. She wanted to move it before he got the chance to see. Well, it was probably too late for that but she would try.

"Have you killed any walkers yet?" Colton asked Lillian as he followed quickly behind her as they walked up the stairs.

"Yeah. A couple." Lillian told him as she gathered her stuff, putting her backpack on and continued to her cell.

South Tree * TWDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ