"What are you going to make Melissa?" Stevie wants to know.
"I've got strawberry mousse and brownies, but they are approved by the trainers." Melissa will make them different than how she usually makes brownies. These will have dates and honey to sweeten them and dark chocolate.

"Sounds good. What are we doing for poultry?"
"I've got sticky honey and lime chicken wings and jambalaya." Stevie hears and she forgets about her nausea, now she just gets hungry hearing all these delicious dishes.
"That sounds so good. We can keep those two dishes for dinner as well. Carl, do you think you'll be able to do the fish and chips for lunch and dinner? Do you need help with the fish?"

"I'm good honey. I'll ask help if I need it. Besides I've got Walter here to get those potatoes peeled and ready to go." He replies already working on his filets.
"Alright, well I guess things are going smoothly as ever. I have a meeting with Christian in between sessions, so Melissa is in charge of plating the food when I'm not here."

Everybody agrees, they all respect Stevie immensely and with her leading the kitchen they have become even better at their work. She always discusses the menus with them, she loves to hear their input and she lets them free to do what they do best. There's a pleasant working environment in the kitchen where they work hard, but have a lot of fun at the same time.

"Are you going to tell him?" Melissa asks Stevie.
"Yeah, I feel I should. He's always been good to me and if this pregnancy isn't as straight forward as the other ones he should know." She whispers back. They are in the pantry so nobody will hear them, even though Stevie plans on telling her staff after she told Christian about the baby.

"I'm really happy for you. Any baby is lucky to have you as a mom." Melissa says making Stevie tear up.
"And Daniel as a father. He is so happy about this and he keeps saying it's his third child. How did I get so lucky to have found him? He is such an angel and I truly believe he will not treat this baby any different from Cole and Zara."

"He won't. Those two are his kids just as much as this baby is going to be. Have you heard anything about the adoption yet?" She asks Stevie.
"Not yet, I hope we will hear something soon. I just want him to be able to sign those papers and then we can make sure Cole and Zara will get his last name as well as mine."

She did text Martin to see how things were moving along, but he said he was still waiting for the papers to be signed by the court. So they will have to be patient a bit longer.
"I'm sure it will be soon. At least Mitch isn't in your hair anymore."

Stevie shakes her head, that's truly a blessing. He has made her suffer enough and she is happy to cut him out of her life completely. Sure he will always be the kids biological father, but that's all. From the moment he abandoned her when she was in hospital he was nothing more than the sperm donor. Truthfully, he never was anything more than the sperm donor.

While they are working in the kitchen they watch the first practice session on the big screen. Daniel and Seb are taking it easy, not showing everything they have but gathering plenty of data to have the best qualifying results tomorrow and making sure they know how the tires behave on this track. It's only the second time they are racing here so it's still fairly new. All the data they collect is valuable.

Just before the end of the practice session Albon makes a mistakes and crashes his car in the barriers. They all hold their breaths until they hear he is doing ok. He might not be driving for Red Bull, but Alex is a really nice guy and nobody wants him to get hurt.
He gets out of the car and he is perfectly fine. The car and the barrier aren't, so the session is red flagged and ended which gives the marshals the time to fix everything before the second session.

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