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📍bartels's household ♥️
8:50 am

~ jayden pov

me and eli had to get up a lil earlier today. my classes start at 10 again today but i'm not going to class because my parents need me and d here today for bronny's case. now we're all just sitting here pointing fingers at who's going and who's too busy to go🙄.

i'm standing in the kitchen with them. d has miyah in his arms and i have eli in his car seat which he doesn't wanna be in he's getting fussy right now about it while we're talking. probably just because we're arguing and he hates arguing or anything loud in general. just like jules.

"ok well bronny needs at least 3 family members to go he's still in the jail right now his case is at 1" mom says

"i don't have a problem with going like i said but who's going to watch elijah while i'm gone? if you two are going to work?" i say with a little attitude

i'm taking him out the car seat and he's quieting down now. i rock him, "since i'm going too i was gonna leave miyah with katie she's out of school today because i told her what happened and we needed to split baby today so eli can go with her" d suggests

"what if jules finds out? she literally hates katie" i say

d laughs a bit, "she won't find out nothing" he says

i sigh, "ok then fine dad are you going with us to the trial?" i ask

"yeah i took off because i knew your mother wasn't going to be able to" dad says

"if bron doesn't win this you are bailing him out right?" d asks dad

we all look at dad, "depending on how long he's sentenced for.. if it's years i'll bail him few months might leave him there to learn from it" dad says

"that's fair enough i think.." i say unsure.

"nah free my boy no matter what" d says to dad

"then you bail him out yourself" dad says to him

d scoffs, "i got a baby to feed" d says

i laugh, "alright i'm leaving make sure to keep me updated on the trial while i'm at work you guys better not be late be on your way there at 11:45" mom says

"we will no worries" dad says

"please get him out of there. when he gets home he is grounded until he graduates." mom says in a serious tone.

"you're acting you don't know this who bronny is.. he's always been a fighter a lowkey a serial killer" i say

d snickers, "he's not a serial killer he's just dangerous he had no business swinging a knife on another guy" mom says

"mom chris was choking him what the fuck??" i say with an attitude

eli starts cooing, "see even my baby agrees with me" i say to her

d and my dad laugh, "he didn't need to try to slice him in half because of that though" mom says

she grabs her keys and starts heading out. i'm just gonna let her go i don't wanna fight with her. once she left i groan, "she's so fucking annoying" i say with an attitude

"you know this court shit is going viral about bronny and chris now?" d asks me

"no i haven't looked on social media in a minute" i say

"we just need to focus on getting him home" dad says

📍ferreira household
11:15 am

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ