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📍jayden's apartment 😌
8:15 am

~ jayden pov

jules and i are having a issue right now. i got called to come back to campus today i don't have a choice or else i'll get kicked off my volleyball team. and jules has work. her manager told her she has to record today and do a music video shoot today plus photoshoot. so we're lowkey arguing about who's staying and she's winning.

"jayde this is a job i'm not about to lose my job over you wanting to play on a sports team" jules says with a little attitude

i roll my eyes, "what would you have done if i was at harvard? where would he be?" i ask

"with my mom but she's traveling again she's gone and i'm not leaving him with my dad there's nobody else but hayley and my tía" jules says

"well jules i literally have to go to school they'll kick me out and i'll be a bigger disappointment to my mom" i say with a little attitude

jules sighs, "leave him with your tía or he'll be with one of my friends" i say

she scolds me a little, "he's not finna be with your friends. fuck no." she says with an attitude

i smile to myself, "so then tía it is" i say

she rolls her eyes at me which made me giggle, "i hate when anybody else is watching him he's our kid we should be doing that and he's only a week and 4 days old we really should be the ones watching him" jules says

"i know that but you're the one who wanted a baby so soon i said to wait til we're at least 20 something" i say

she mugs me, "you're about to piss me off" she says with an attitude

i chuckle, "i'm sorry but am i lying" i say

she put 5 fingers in my face before walking away it made me laugh. we're already ready for the day we were arguing ever since we woke up because we were confused on why the other woke up. then it started a whole big thing while we were getting ready. now she's finally come to terms with it.

she's in the bathroom now on the phone. she looks so pretty i can't stop smiling at her. meanwhile i look like a bum college student just in sweats and a hoodie and jordan's. my hair is in a low ponytail and my glasses are on today. jules gave me her chain with her name on it so i'm wearing that too and her perfume.

but she looks SO pretty bro. she has a natural makeup on and her hair is down and wavy. her outfit is a skin tight shirt and jeans and jordan's. we stay in jordan's😂. she has on little necklaces and 3 rings one of them is our old promise ring. i thought she threw it away that time we broke up but she always keep's everything i give her. besides for my clothes she set on fire when she was mad as fuck.

"tía nessa hola, ¿puedes ver a elijah hoy? Jayden tiene que regresar al campus hoy y yo tengo que ir a trabajar. No sé si estás ocupado hoy, pero está bien si no puedes." jules says as she walks into the room.

she's sitting back on the bed. fiddling with her bracelet. her tía is talking in spanish i can kinda hear from the other side of the phone. jules slowly looks at me which made me laugh a little. she's smiling a little, "when are you leaving school?" she asks me softly

"my classes are over at 4 but i have practice at 5:30 to 7" i say

she looks away from me, "Ella no saldrá de la escuela hasta las siete, pero es posible que hoy termine con todo a las seis, así que si termino antes que ella, iré a buscarlo, pero si ella terminó, irá a buscarlo." jules says

she signals me to go pack his bag. i slowly start going to do it because i didn't wanna pack it she was supposed to do that because i already got him dressed and in the car seat, "Está bien, te lo haré saber, ok, adiós." jules says

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