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📍dads house 🏠
11:05 am

~ jayden pov

i woke up before jules i was up at 10 and surprisingly eli didn't wake up in the middle of the night but i got up because he was moving ontop of me and whining. he didn't cry so he didn't wake up jules but he woke me up.

jules is still asleep. i literally brushed my teeth and changed eli got his dressed too and she's still sleep. she did have a long day yesterday full of a lot of bullshit so i don't blame her for still being asleep but she's usually up by now.

me and eli are just laying in the bed again. i decided to get out of bed and go downstairs. i closed the door behind myself so that jules doesn't wake up from the noise downstairs.

i'm holding eli in my arms. i get downstairs and everybody's down here eating and talking it up. literally her step mom her dad her little brothers jude hayley bella her besties all of them.

as i approach they greet me with a smile and make me a plate because i can't i'm holding eli in my arms. so once i put eli in his car seat and gave him a bottle i sat to eat with them. but i keep looking over at him to make sure he's ok. he's ok. i just worry.

"wait where's jules?" bella asks me

"oh she's still sleeping" i say

"damn what happened? she don't sleep that long unless she's been overwhelmed" jude asks me

"it's all of the gang stuff going on and ya know she just gave birth almost a week ago she's still tired from that and probably is very overwhelmed by hayley yesterday so" i say

"i didn't even do anything for real" hayley says

i raise my eyebrows, "you did a lot" i say

"she wasn't being considerate to me at all" hayley says to me

"and neither were you to her you should apologize to her she's already stressed out enough hayley you know her better than anyone.. that's your sister." i say

hayley lost eye contact and starts playing with her food, "yeah she's right you know that jules has went through hell you should've been more patient with her" bella says to her

"jules is never there for me the way that i try to be for her you guys don't even know she only plays big sister when it's gonna get her in trouble with our mom.. she doesn't even care about me." hayley says

i see her batting her eyes, "she does care hayley" i say

"she doesn't jayden she cares more about you than anything else.. and when she wasn't picking drugs over you she was picking joey over you and when it wasn't him she was picking you over me you over her career you over her own safety etc" hayley says

i just thought about it, "it doesn't mean she doesn't care about you" bella says to her

hayley stares at her, "i will prove to you she doesn't her friends are witnesses from yesterday" hayley says

"jules was overwhelmed yesterday she does care about you i don't know why you say she doesn't when she's put a lot of shit aside just to protect you she's always worried about you and wanting to be there for you the best she can but you can't blame her for not being there the way you want her to be in a time like this when all she's worried about is your safety and hers." lilia says to her

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now