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📍jayden's apartment 😌
9:00 am

~ jayden pov

i'm awake before jules. i have to go to campus i have practice for my game this friday i been had practice but this is the final game before the break. and since i'm in college our break is like 3 weeks long. i have finals next week. i have to study and i think it is good jules will be away in san diego so i can focus.

i'll have eli but as soon as she gets it cleared up over there she can keep him some nights. i don't mind him being here i love him so dearly but sometimes i just want to be at peace without him crying and needing jules to be with him because he just wants her. he wants me sometimes but he's literally obsessed with her.

i'm sure she has work she always does so i don't know what we're gonna do. he might go to her tia's again. i made breakfast i'm sitting down at the counter eating. ready to go there's no early practice today because we're staying later today so i'm just going straight to lectures which start at 10.

so i'm dressed like a bum. just a plain black t and black sweatpants with crocs. i have on jewelry and my hair is in a low ponytail with strands out on the sides. my glasses are on too cus my blind ass can't see.

i heard my room door open jules is up now. i'm just scrolling tiktok and eating. she got downstairs and came over to me. i feel her staring at me so i slowly break eye contact with my phone to look at her in the eyes.

"are we gonna be good today?" she asks in her tired voice.

i drop my phone on the counter and nod at her, "no say it because last night you let me go to sleep upset and you never do that..." she says gently

i rub the back of my neck, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to" i say softly

i grab her face and kiss her lips. i saw her pout after it, "baby stoppp we're good i promise" i whine.

she's just looking at me. she lost eye contact and walks away from me. i smack my lips, "jules" i say

"jayde this is a cycle we go through all the time and we just got back together.. everytime we get together our relationship doesn't last but when we're just fucking with each other no label we're the most in love ever what are you doing now?" she asks with concern in her tone and face.

i get up and sigh as i walk over to her. she's against the counter and when i reach for her waist she moves my hands, "baby" i say gently

"no you're doing it again stop" she says

i snicker as i look away from her, "what am i doing julianna?" i ask

when i look back at her she's looking at me with so much annoyance on her face it almost made me laugh, "why are you playing like you're dumb you're not dumb you know what you're doing jayden." she says with an attitude

i grab her face but she makes me let go. she's not fucking with it, "stop i will punch you you're actually pissing me off dead ass." she says with an attitude

i smirk at her and she slaps me. i chuckle, "really?" i say gently

she's so annoyed of me. i grab her throat and kiss her. she escapes my grip and walks away from me again, "you're aggy as fuck" she says with an attitude

i watch her go back upstairs. i sit back down and finish my food. i was just sitting here for a good 5 minutes after i finished waiting for her to come back down but she didn't. so i get up and go upstairs while drinking water.

i walk into the bedroom and she's getting dressed to go. she rolls her eyes at me, "mama stop bein like that" i say gently

"no because you have me fucked up" she says

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now