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📍jules's house😛
8:30 am

~ jayden pov

everybody is up in the house. jules and i are in her room about to go. she has the studio today and i have school and so we're trying to figure out if we still want eli in san diego after what happened last night.

she's leaning against her bathroom door frame and i'm standing in front of her we're both ready to go, "i just don't think the baby should stay in sd right now.. he needs to go stay with you for about a week just until we figure this out." jules says

"i'll take him but i'm also worried about you and your safety as well you know i don't ever like leaving you alone when stuff like this happens i need to be there" i say

"but you can't jayde i'd be putting you in danger and eli needs to be safe not with me right now" she says

i rub the back of my neck, "look don't worry jayde i got it ok i'll be safe" she says

she came over to me and plants the softest kiss on my lips before giving me a hug. i hug her back. we held it for a minute until she broke it. i feel emotional now so i look down.

"let's go wake him up and get him ready to go with you" she says

we start walking out the room to go to his. we open his door and walk in and he's there still sleeping so peacefully. he didn't interrupt our sleep last night surprisingly. he was quiet the whole time.

ms katie was here until we got back home. so she put him in bed. jules starts packing him a bag, "do i have to make him formula for a week?" i ask quietly

"i can make him bottles i'll come see you guys everyday i just don't want him in san diego he's safer in la nobody knows where you live" she says quietly back.

she's still packing him stuff so i grab his car seat that i had in my car so i can put him back in it. jules has one in her car too. i put the stroller by the door. i walk over to his crib and he's so sound asleep. i heard jules stop doing what she's doing and she came over to me.

we're both just looking at him. she kisses my cheek and i look at her, "we're gonna be alright." jules says softly

i'm trying not to break down. it's too early for this, "i really don't want you in san diego either" i say softly

"i know you don't but i have to take care of this.. if i flee and they find me with you and my son they will target you and my son too and if they don't get me they will get both of you first.. i'm not trying to put my family in danger just let me deal with this." jules says softly

i feel a pain in my throat but i won't cry right now i can't. i just pick up eli gently and place him in my arms. he's half awake still mostly sleep. i rock him in my arms. jules kisses his little cheek and plays with his hair gently.

"he's our angel... i just want you two safe that's all." jules says softly

i nod. i get down and put him in the carseat. he was making noises cus i woke him by putting him in the seat. once he was in and strapped in i pick up his carseat and head out the room. i start going downstairs and jules follows me. we get downstairs and i go into the kitchen.

hayley's here eating with anna. i put eli on the counter for a minute so i can grab something to eat. jules is grabbing bottles for him that she already had pumped but it's only 4 of them he drinks almost 2 a day.

i just look at her and when she noticed anna and hayley giggle, "what?" jules asks me

"it's only 4 bottles prepared?" i ask

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon