156 5 2

los angeles, california🏙️
📍jayden's apartment 😌
7:45 am

~ jayden pov

all morning since 5 am eli has been crying nonstop and i've been trying so hard to make him stop. i was woken up the first time at 5am mind you i didn't sleep until 12am because i was trying to put him to sleep after we ate dinner. i had kianna over here. hayley was upset the whole night worried about jules so she said she was going to sleep. i have another room upstairs she went to that room.

so once eli was down and sleeping at 11:30 i was still up in my bed. his crib is in my room with me because jules doesn't trust me leaving him in the other room🙄. she thinks i'll ignore his cries. i wouldn't do that but i might sleep through them.

then i had fell asleep and at 5am eli starts crying so i got up to see what's wrong and i checked everything it was nothing. so i burp him and he got quiet and went back to sleep. and i went back to sleep. then a few minutes later he starts crying again so i get up out of my sleep to see what's wrong.

i smelt him and he was kinda full in his diaper so i gave him a diaper change at fucking 5:50 am in the morning. i'm mid falling asleep as i did that. i gave him kisses and put him back in the crib. i told him mommy's tryna sleep and to stop crying so i can and he just looked at me.

so i laid back down and went back to sleep and i woke up at 6:20 he's crying again. i get up AGAIN and see what's wrong he's literally just crying for no reason i had checked and i tried to give him his binky but he didn't want it. but the second time i put it in his mouth and rocked him back to sleep he fell asleep so i put him down gently and got back in my bed.

and guess what😀 he started crying AGAIN. right now. i was sleeping peacefully. i'm assuming at this point it's cus he wants jules because he always cries for her to just hold him and be around her. i'm about to cry cus i just wanna sleep man.

i get up and go to eli. he's literally crying tears this time instead of just making noise. i pick him up, "baby can you be quiet i'm trying to sleeeeppp" i groan.

he's literally yelling in my ear. i start rocking him but he's not really being quiet. i grab my phone and start calling jules. she should be waking up around this time anyways. i have class at 9 i don't wanna be up until 8:15.

jules answers, "hello?" jules says

she clearly is half awake i know her tired voice, "i know you hear him" i say

"...what's wrong?" she asks

"i don't know he's been crying since 5am and i've done everything he won't stop and i have school soon i need you to come and stay with him he definitely just misses you" i say

"jayde.. i have work i mean... i can take him to the studio with me but... i don't think he should be with me in public" she says

"juli please just come and see him he's crying for you i know you can tell this is him crying for you" i beg

"ok i'll come over just rock him until im there" she says

"thank you" i say in relief.

"where's hayley at?" jules asks

i pause for a second, "in the room down the hallway.. i didn't check to see if she's there but i assume so" i say

"can you check? please?" she asks

i walk out my room and go to the room hayley's in. i knock, "oh my gosh why is he yelling like that?" hayley groans loudly.

i heard jules giggle, "yeah she's definitely here" i say

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