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1st period - volleyball 🏐

~ jayden pov

sooooo. today has got the be one of the most awkwardest days ever for the volleyball team. let me just tell you guys that when i came in the locker room this morning everyone was chilling and dev wasn't in yet when i came in so they were talking to me like normal but when dev walked in minutes later everyone went silent and didn't say a word until the bell rang to go to the gym for practice. we been practicing all period and coach paired me and dev up for spiking practice everyone has a partner but coach just had to put us to together when it's the most awkward between us now😐. jules is at the studio for the collab she was telling me about but i don't know the girl. she's posting tiktoks with the girl tho and instagram videos like they're having too much fun to have just met. it's making me a lil jealous. i trust jules though.

coach blew her whistle twice, "water break" coach says to us

i take the ball from dev before walking over to the benches. i pick up my jug of water and drank from it. dev approaches me, "your passes were weak" dev says

i stop drinking to look at her, "my bad.. i'll fix my form" i say

i close my jug, "jayden i'm sorry for everything" dev spits out

i look at her blankly. did she really just apologize for the first time in like.. ever😐? i raise one eyebrow, "are you talking to me?" i ask looking confused

dev rolls her eyes, "unfortunately yes." dev says

i just look at her, "what are you sorry for?" i ask

"i'm sorry for... ruining everything literally everything. you hate me, our friends hate me, jules hates me even more.. i'm just stupid for ever thinking you'd want me for who i was.. i opened up to you like an idiot and let you sweet talk me and make me catch feelings.. and that's my fault for not telling you that i liked you for awhile.. you told me you didn't wanna ruin our friendship but there was a point where we both felt like this was more than just a friends with benefits.." dev says

she's looking down at the ground in disappointment, "i don't wanna keep screwing your life jayden so i'll leave you alone even if it hurts me." dev says softly

i feel bad for her, "i don't want it to end like this let's just take time apart from each other to grow on our own it'll be good for you mostly.. then we can go back to being friends." i say

dev just stares at me. i could see the hurt in her eyes but she was hiding it, "i don't deserve you i never did." dev says

"deven don't say that" i say

she shook her head, "it's the truth i never deserved you that's why jules has you now.. because to everyone i'm just a hoe that guys fuck on when all i've ever wanted was true love and the one person i felt that with was someone i can't have.. you." dev says as her eyes filled with tears.

i felt a pain in my throat. all of this is hurting me now, "dev.." i say softly

dev storms out the gym, "what happened?" kianna asks coming over to me

kenzie went after her, "nothing" i lie

Hazel's Crib❤️‍🔥
10:15 am

~ jules pov

i pulled up to hazel's place in the morning and ever since we linked we been talking and getting to know each other and she even talked to me about how i can get more comfortable with my music partner eddie so we make more music faster. hazel's really chill and she's nice and funny. she makes music on her own with her producers help and manager that's who we're with right now and my manager too. hazel likes to be called haz that's what she goes by. this is her.

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now