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dads house 🏠
8:45 am

~ jules pov

i have to drive down to riverside only my dad and i are here. hayley and our step mom, casey, left 30 minutes ago. jude left with zahki and meko already. they're getting so big too zahki is 6 now meko is 5. i'm letting my dad listen to my unreleased solo only half of it is recorded though and he's feeling it it's making me smile.

"i love how creative you get with your music i can feel your passion for it" dad says with a smile

i smile, "i'm about to go record the full thing and if you want you can listen to the whole thing before it's released" i say

he nods with a smile, "i'd love to.. this has got to be about joey" dad says

"unfortunately yes but it also related to my first boyfriend ever when i was 14" i say

my dads face lit up, "ohhh i forgot about him.. and asher.. god you dated some terrible guys." dad says

i giggle and he smiles.

Riverside, California - The Studio 🎶
9:45 am

~ jules pov

eddie and i just came back from a meeting with our music video plan out for this weekend. we're filming circles music video. we have some unreleased music videos we're dropping when the album drops saturday when our release party is. so we'll have the release party saturday night and we'll be filming all day saturday and sunday too. my best friends are skipping school today and are in la just traveling they wanna stop by and see me. i told them i'm busy but in an hour i can go with them. i want them to move to la with me. i can not live without them. it's that serious to me. we have attachment issues with each other. i missed so much i can't risk missing more stuff going on in my best friend's lives. right now we're done writing songs for about two weeks or until cole tells us to get back into the studio. everytime we do solos it goes on our own separate pages so cole has us doing solos. our last one for this week. eddie already recorded his. im finishing writing mine and im about to record it.

eddie keeps peeking over my shoulder as if i can't feel him getting close to me and moving away😐. i catch him in the act and he freezes when we make eye contact. we both laugh, "i was seeing your verse 5 that shit sound so much like joey" eddie says

i laugh a little, "because it's about him" i say

eddie's smiling, "is devenity one of the inspirations?" he asks

i nod a little, "she's one of the bitches who said shit like this to me all because i was with joey" i say

"she's still on his dick til this day and joey asks about you a lot but he refuses to text you cus you with jayden and jayden's his friend" eddie says

i scrunch my eyebrows a little, "me and joey are friends he should be respecting my relationship" i say

"joey been changing lowkey he's more respectful and kinder bro be shocking me when we link i mean yeah he still a ladies man but he looks for a life long thing not temporary shit anymore which is big improvement" eddie says

i nod, "that's great for him i told him i was proud of him... but we'll only ever be friends." i say

eddie looks at me so i look at him, "what?" i ask

he looks like he wants a to tell me something, "it's just... i shouldn't say this but it's already brought up" eddie says

i look at him funny, "speak" i say

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now