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mom's house 😛
10:15 am

~ jules pov

i woke up and jayden was nowhere to be found. so i got up and i did my morning routine. showered, brushed, washed my face. i'm downstairs with her right now in my pjs with wet hair and we've been talking. my eyes. god my eyes won't stop getting glued to her. i can't look away when our eyes meet and i get butterflies in my stomach☺️. i'm so in love it scares me. jayden made me and hayley breakfast and we're just sitting and talking after we ate. hayley's upstairs now after she ate but we all had a good conversation together.

jayden's looking at her phone right next to me. i'm admiring her as she's distracted. everything i see is perfect. i'm in love i'm in love I'm in love🥰.

my face has got to be red at this point and i'm smiling to myself. i place my hand on the back of her neck and i join her in watching tiktoks on her phone. she loves when i put my hand on her neck it makes her feel safe. i do it because i love her.

"look at this baby" she says as she shows me.

we both laugh, "bitch dumb as hell on me" she says

i kiss her cheek, "hey let's do something fun together today, yeah?" i say sweetly to her as i rub the back of her neck.

we make eye contact once again and we both smile, "like what? anything you want my love." jayde says softly before planting a soft kiss on my lips. the way my heart fluttered and my eyes dilated fuck bro☺️. i can't believe i'm this in love.

i smile uncontrollably at her, "do that again" i say gently

she giggles before doing it again but this time we held the kiss. when our lip's disconnected i know she felt my tension. i went back in for more and we made out for 5 seconds until she broke the kiss, "not right now" she giggles

i smile to myself, "but why not? we can go upstairs for a little and then start the day after we have fun up there" i say as my other hand is rubbing her thigh.

jayden blushes, "don't get me started right now i thought you didn't wanna have sex after our fight and stuff" she says

i smack my lips, "i don't give a fuck about that petty shit i just want you fuck everyone else bae" i say

jayden gives me the look on the low but i saw it it made me excited. i grab her throat and pull her in. we start to make out again until we heard hayley coming back downstairs so jayden broke the kiss again. i'm getting upset with the interruptions🙄. i look at hayley hiding my anger, "i'm sorry to interrupt continue" hayley says to us

"you heard her babe" i say looking back at jayden.

jayden shook her head, "what's your plans today hayley?" jayde asks her

"oh uhh going to hangout with my girls at city walk until mom gets home that reminds me jules you still haven't did your chores mom told you about before she left get on them before she gets on my ass too" hayley says to me

"i'll get it done once you leave" i say

hayley looks at me up and down, "what's happening when i leave?" she asks

i glance at jayden and back at her. hayley chuckles, "you're a whore" she says

i laugh a bit, "a whore for her" i say

jayden smiles to herself, "why are y'all like this?" she asks

hayley smiles, "that's our bond.. and jules is just the biggest whore i know so" hayley says

"ok chill" i say

they laugh. hayley grabs her house keys after getting a muffin from the kitchen, "k jasmine's here i'll be back no later than 5 my location is on so don't bother asking me" hayley says as she walks to the door.

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now