29. Turn Your back

Start from the beginning

This was her chance. She could leave, right now. She would find Glenn and Maggie, she would save them, and they would go back to the prison together. She took her backpack off of one of her shoulders, to get her knife that was in it. That's when she remembered that while scavenging, her dad found a gun that had a full clip in it. A pistol. She remembered him saying something about 17 rounds.

Lillian quickly, but quietly made her way to his room. She pushed the door open to the pitch black room, flipping on the light. She looked towards the bed, the first thing she saw was the flannel. She had nearly forgotten about it. She ran over and snatched it up, under it was the gun. She took off her backpack to slip on the flannel and put the gun in the back of her waist band. She was quick to put her backpack on as she walked out of the room, not bothering to turn off her light.

Lillian walked right out of the apartment, shutting the door quietly behind her before she ran down the stairs, to the bottom of the building. She heard screaming and gun shots outside which made her stop in her tracks. She listened to the noises as well as her loud heart beat.

This might be her only chance. It was now or never. She could get away from her dad, from the governor, for Merle.

She opened the door to see smoke and people running around. She cursed herself to stop hesitating and so keep moving, so she did. She took her gun out of her belt loop, holding it with both hands as she ran quickly towards the place the Governor kept her.

"Lilli!" She suddenly heard from a group passing her. Gun shots came from the pdirection she was running, bullets hitting the ground around her feet. She looked to see who it was, Rick. Lillian immediately get relief as she began to run along side the group.

She wasn't paying much attention to anything but keeping low to the group with her gun ready. She didn't know how to use it, but she would damn well try if she had to. She tried to block out the gun shots but every cluster of shots that rang made her jump. She ran close to Maggie as they advanced towards a building.

"Go, go, go!" Rick screamed again as they all used the building as cover. Lillian panted, catching her breath as she looked around to see who all was there. They were all familiar, including the prisoner that her dad was once held up with.

"How many?" Rick asked over all of the noise.
"I didn't see." Oscar, the prisoner, told him.

"Don't matter. There's gonna be more of them." Daryl told them as he reloaded a gun.

"Are you okay honey?" Maggie kneeled down in front of Lillian, moving hair out of her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yes. Are you okay?" Lillian questioned. Maggie only nodded and gave her a tight lipped smile. Lillian looked over to see Daryl looking back at her. His face looked confused yet relieved.

"We need to move!" Daryl told them.

"Any grenades left?" Rick asked Daryl. Daryl hummed in response as he picked through the weapons.

"Get 'em ready. We gotta gun it yo the wall." Rick told them. The one thing Lillian knew how to do was to click off the safety, which she made sure to do as she prepared to start running again. She was really scared, but she was with her family, she felt brave. She was brave. She tried her best to take deep breaths.

"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna lay down some cover fire." Daryl told them as he passed a gun to Glenn.

"No, we gotta stay together." Maggie told him as she stayed tight against the wall.

"Too hairy. I'll be right behind you." Daryl told them. Lillian stepped forward, placing her hand gently on Daryl shoulder. He responded by quickly taking it into his, giving it a squeeze before he stood up with a grenade in his hands. "Ready?" He asked but wasn't really expecting an answer before he threw a smoke grenade out in the street.

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