Chapter 46 - Revenge

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Next day:

Elliot wakes up late in the morning after babysitting his angels whole night. He opens his eyes and sees Marco is feeding Siya and Eleanor is in her cot. "When did you wake up?" he asks. "Just an hour ago." Marco replies. "Come quickly after taking a bath and get them ready, we have to leave in a little while." he says. Elliot nods. He climbs off the bed and kisses his twins on their foreheads. "My turn now." Marco pouts. Elliot blushes and kisses him too. He then takes his clothes and enters the bathroom.

"My princess Siya and Eleanor, you guys have no idea how precious you're for us. Daddy loves you both so much." Marco says. He puts the bottle aside and pats her back for burp. And Siya burps after a few taps. "I thought you were an expert only in shooting, now it seems that you have become an expert in making babies burp too." Elliot comes out. "Obviously." Marco puts Siya in the cot and look at his two princesses. "Babies are cute but ours are even cuter." he says. "And naughty too! Now stop wasting time and go to shower." Elliot says back. Marco kisses him and enters the bathroom.

Elliot takes out the new clothes for the babies. "Now it's time to get ready." he picks Eleanor in his arms and puts her in changing table. He changes her diaper first then he changes her clothes. He does the same with Siya also. "Oh my goodness, my twins are twinning in pink right now!" Marco says. "Ouuu.." Siya makes a noise. He kisses their hands. Elliot is wearing a white shirt with baggy jeans. Marco wears a yellow coloured kurta with white pajama. "I am taking Siya with me, you bring Elle downstairs." Elliot says. He picks Siya in his arms and goes downstairs. Marco picks Eleanor in his arms and leaves the room. Maya, Lisa and Atharv are already waiting for them in the car. "It will take two hours to reach there so, both of you do it quickly." Maya says. Elliot enters the car first then Lisa. She takes Eleanor from Marco. Atharv, Maya gets up in another car. David is also with them. Marco starts the car and heads towards the temple.

At the Temple:

After two hours of driving, they finally reach the temple. Everyone gets out of the car barefoot, and enters in. The temple is very beautiful. Maya talks to the priest while stands behind her. "Surprisingly, these two are awake but not crying." Elliot whispers. "I think they loved the atmosphere here." Lisa says. The priest calls them in. Marco takes Eleanor back and the couple enters inside. They sits on the floor with the babies in their lap. Maya sits next to them. The priest starts chanting mantras. "Where are we? What's the name of this temple? I forgot it." Lisa asks. "Sri Shiva Vishnu temple." Atharv replies. "There's a lake at the back, if they wants we can spend sometime there." David whispers. "Sure." Atharv says.

The priest stops chanting and takes some flowers from the idols feet and touches the babies forehead as a blessing. "You both go out, I will come back in some time." Maya says. They nods and walks outside. Everyone sits on a bench near the lake as David said. Lisa and Atharv plays with Siya while Marco is holding Eleanor. Elliot feels so sleepy and wants to take a nap but it's not possible here so he is just sitting closing his eyes. David is clicking pictures of everyone. A few minutes later, Marco gets a call from someone and handover the baby to Elliot and walks outside the temple. As soon as he left Eleanor starts crying. "She is definitely a daddy's girl." Lisa says. Elliot picks her in his arms and roams around the lake. Siya stays silent and looks at her crying sister.

Elliot stands in front of the temple gate and tries to calm her down. "Dad is on his way baby don't worry." he says. He takes out the bottle from the bag and starts feeding her. "I love you so much my little princess." he smiles. "Even I love them too." a voice comes from behind. Elliot turns around and gets shocked. "Uncle John, what are you doing here?" he asks. "Just came here to see you and your daughters." John replies. "How did you get out of jail?" Elliot steps back. John laughs. "I had given up hopes, but then your new lover Daniel came and got me released from jail." he replies. Elliot looks forward and sees Maya is sitting in front of Lord Shiva and Vishnu's idol and praying. "Where is your husband huh? I haven't seen him yet, is he okay? I hope he is." John gets closer. "What do you mean? He is fine and he'll be back soon, so before he comes get out of my sight." Elliot says back.

John laughs again and grabs his hand. Elliot holds his daughter tightly. "Don't shout boy otherwise your husband will remain silent forever! Look at those people outside, they are Daniel's goons. They are sent here to kill Marco and his family!" John says. "No please." Elliot shouts. Maya immediately turns around. She stands up and rushes towards them. "What is happening here?" she shouts. On the other side Lisa, Atharv and David also hears their shouting and runs towards them. "Oh shit, This should not have been done!" John says. The goons enters inside and surrounds them by all side. Atharv and David takes out their guns and covers Lisa and Siya. Two goons points a gun towards Maya. "Leave her now." Elliot yells. John looks at him. "Be a good boy and come with us, Daniel wants you. If you move quietly then all of them will survive but if you throw tantrums then they will die, including your daughters!" he warns.

"Talk to me before touching him!" Marco walks in. He looks at everyone and shivers in anger. "Oh look who is here." John forcefully takes Eleanor from Elliot. "Your threatening won't work today, so step back and let me do my job." he yells. "Leave my daughter immediately or I'll kill you!" Marco yells back. "Not today Marco, if you do anything I'll drop her on the floor." John says. "NO!" everyone shouts. "Dad, please don't do it I beg you please." Lisa shouts. "Fine I'll go with you but don't hurt her." Elliot says. One of the goons snatches the gun from Marco and pushes him. His back hits something brass. "That was easy." John laughs. He handovers the baby to a goon and drags Elliot by his hand.

Marco panics seeing his family in danger. He stands up and turns around. He realises his back hits a trident. "Will see you later dear husband." John laughs. "Leave my Elliot, this is my last warning!" Marco shouts. John stops and looks at him. "Or what? What are you gonna do Marco? Today you didn't even bring your guards with you! How you will save for family?" he asks. He drags Elliot with him and stands in front of Marco. "You will not be able to stop me today. So, step back kid." he says. Marco smiles and lifts the trident with force and slits John's throat!!! Everyone gasps. John's head falls on the ground then his body.

Marco looks at that goon with murder eyes. The goon immediately gives back Eleanor to Elliot. All the goons gets scared and runs away. "Oh my baby." Elliot holds her tightly to his chest. "I'm sorry princess, I promise this won't happen again." Marco kisses her hand. He takes Siya from Lisa and kisses her hand too. Atharv informs the police. Marco comforts Elliot and wipes his tears. "I will not let him win I promise." he says. "What would happen if one day he takes me with him like this?" Elliot asks. "I'll destroy everything!" Marco replies. Elliot doesn't say anything. The police comes and takes John's dead body. "Let's go now." Marco says. Everyone gets in the car and heads towards their home.

At the Mansion:

Twins are sleeping peacefully in the cot. Elliot is standing in the balcony and looking at the sky. "What's wrong baby?" Marco hugs him from behind. "I was thinking something." Elliot says. "What?" Marco asks. Elliot turns around and looks at him. "Today I'm understanding what a great punishment it is to be beautiful!" he replies. "It's not a punishment, baby. Sometimes people's perspective becomes wrong. It's their fault not yours." Marco says. Elliot nods and rests his head on his chest. Siya and Eleanor starts crying. "Alright, let's get back on duty." Marco says. Elliot laughs. They holds their babies and lies down on the bed. "Today all of us will sleep here." Marco says. The munchkins stops crying and falls asleep again. After some time, Elliot and Marco also fall asleep.

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