Chapter 33 - A complicated relation.

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At midnight:

Marco and his team are busy searching for the blackmailer. "Check every room, I want that bastard alive!" he orders. The team splits in two groups one with Marco and others are with Antony. "We have checked this floor but he is not here." a guard says. "Check another one, I'm sure he is here." Marco says back. "Sir we have checked every floor but he is nowhere. I guess he escaped!" Antony climbs up the stairs. "What's his phone location right now?" Marco asks. "It's not showing sir, I think he broke that sim." Antony replies. "Shit!" Marco mumbles. "I don't think that he escaped, I'm sure he is hiding somewhere, go and check one more time." he says. Antony nods and walks towards another direction with his team. "You guys also go and check. I'll be back soon." Marco says. He takes out his phone and heads towards his room.

As soon as he reaches his room he sees a man wearing a black coat and jeans trying to unlock the door. His heart drops thinking about Elliot who is alone in that room. He puts his phone in his pocket and approaches the man. The guy tries to escape but Marco grabs his neck and drags him away from the room. "Who's that? Marco? Is that you?" Elliot wakes up. He tries to open the door but it's locked from outside. "There's definitely something going on outside. I hope Marco is fine." Elliot mumbles. He sits on the bed and tries to call him but Marco doesn't pick up. He sighs and starts packing their bags to distract himself.

At the terrace:

Marco takes the man at the terrace and shoves him on the ground. The guards surrounds him from every side. "Now show us your fucking face, coward!" Marco shouts. The man stands up on his feet and turns around. Everyone gasps seeing his face. "Dad?" Marco voice breaks. He cannot believe what he is seeing. "Yes! So what now? Are you gonna shoot me?" Robert yells. "Why were you doing all this? Why the hell you were trying to blackmail Elliot?" Marco asks softly. Robert laughs. "Because all my plans have been ruined because of Elliot!" he replies. "What plan huh? How many more lives will you ruin?" Marco raises his voice. "Shut up you piece of shit! It's none of your business!" Robert yells. "Of course it is!!!" Marco yells back. "Then listen, first your mother had transferred my business to her name and then transferred it to your name without even informing me. And when I went to ask for my rights, she did not give even a single penny but I wanted my rights back at any cost. But out of nowhere that whore of yours came in between. If he had not come, I would have killed you and your greedy mother by now." Robert says.

"Mind your language Robert!" Marco points the gun towards him. He clenches his jaw and directly looks at him. "Why did you stop Marco? Come on shoot me! I know you can't." Robert shouts. He stands in front of him. "You have become very arrogant, haven't you? I know why you became like this it's your mother who made you a monster! But don't worry, I will fix you. I will make you the same again as you were in childhood." he says. "That Marco is dead now! And it's not because of my mom. It's you, you're the reason!" Marco says back. He wipes his tears and lowers his gun. "Oh come on you stupid mumma's boy! You don't know the reality. Maya is a greedy women, she manipulated you against me and my family. Open your fucking eyes kid!" Robert yells.

"Aren't you the one who forcefully married her for dowry? Aren't you the one who used to beat her? She didn't manipulate anyone. You manipulated her before marriage and when she understood your true intentions your forced her! You also killed her sister's husband because he tried to save her!" Marco yells back. "That's not true! She lied to you." Robert yells back. "If all that is a lie then why did you used to beat me in my childhood? Why did you slapped me when I came out to you? Why you didn't believe me when I told you about what Daniel did?" Marco asks. His eyes fill with tears of anger and frustration. "Rubbish! It is useless to talk to you. You are a stain on my son's name!" Robert yells. "And you're a stain as a human being!" Marco yells back. "It is better if someone whose character is bad does not talk about others." he says.

Robert raises his hand to slap him but stops. "I don't even want to slap you, God knows whose blood is flowing in your body!" he says. Marco chuckles and turns another side. "Anyways, it's waste to talk to you as you won't listen. So here's a offer for you. Give me my property back and I'll never interfere in your life again. But don't worry, you will still be rich. Still if you feel there will be a shortage of money then send Elliot on an errand. He is beautiful, there won't be much of a problem." Robert says. Upon hearing this Marco loses his control. He turns around and shoots him. Antony tries to stop him but Marco already shot six bullets back to back in his chest. Robert falls down on the ground and the place turns red with his blood. Everyone disbeliefs what just happened in front of them. They looks at him in fear.

Marco drops the gun and sits near the dead body. "I didn't wanted to do this but you left me no choice dad. As a kid I used to believe that you'll be my hero but you proved me wrong. You made me the villain of my own life." he says. He then holds Robert's hand and looks at him. "Why were you like this dad? I considered you my father, so why didn't you accept me as your son? My mom loved you but you used her why? Why you tried to hurt my Elliot? You know I love him more than anything in this world then why?" he wipes his tears and stands up in anger and looks at him. "You left me in hell, right? Thinking that now you will get rid of me. I called you so many times, I don't know how many times I requested you not to leave me with these animals but you didn't listen to me at all." Marco takes a deep breath. "You thought I would suffer in that hell, right? Now look at me, I have now become the king of that hell! Yes, I'm the Mafia King whom everyone is scared of!" he shouts.

Antony stands next to him and rubs his shoulder. "Now if your soul even looks towards my family, I will destroy it too!" Marco shouts again. "Take his dead body away from my eyes." he orders. Antony nods. Marco takes his gun and leaves the place.

In the room :

Elliot immediately opens his eyes hearing the door opens. He gets shocked to see Marco like this. "What happened? Why are you looking like this? What's wrong can you tell me please?" he shouts. Marco sits on the bed and throws the gun on the floor. Elliot comes and sits next to him and holds his face. "What's going on babe?" he asks. "I killed my dad!" Marco replies. "What? No no no.. it's a joke right?" Elliot starts breathing heavily. "It's not a joke El, I really killed him!" Marco says. "But why? What was the reason? Babe please stop hiding things from me, I deserve to know." Elliot holds his hands. "Because he was blackmailing you. He tried to hurt you but he failed." Marco replies. "What? Just because he was blackmailing me you killed your father?" Elliot asks. "He is not my father. He never was." Marco shouts.

Elliot starts panicking and stands up. "What will happen if people find out? What will your mother think?" he asks. "Ma doesn't care. This type of people doesn't deserve to live!" Marco replies. "But.." Elliot tries to say but Marco hugs him. "He destroyed my childhood, he left me in that hell for six months so I killed him with six bullets! I may be sound like a evil person right now but I meant what I said!" he says softly. Elliot breaks the hug and looks at him. "But it is killing you from inside, isn't it?" he asks. "Maybe." Marco replies. He takes Elliot's hands and enters the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Elliot asks. Marco takes off his tshirt and lowers his pants. "Can you see it? Dad gave me this gift on my 18th birthday." Marco shows the burn mark on his waist. He turns around and looks at Elliot. "I tried my best to become his son but he treated me like I'm his biggest enemy. You know, he.. he never used to scold Daniel or his family, never. But always used to beat me and my mom. Tell me do you still think that he was deserved to live?" Marco breaks down completely. Elliot wraps him in his arms and kisses his forehead. "It's okay, it's okay.. I got you, you didn't do anything wrong." he wipes his tears and comes out of the bathroom. "We are ready to leave sir." Antony says from outside. Marco wears his clothes and looks at Elliot. " I'm sorry that I hid it from you. I promise I won't do it again." he says. Elliot wipes his tears. The guards take their luggage as they leave the room. Marco and Elliot gets into the helicopter. Elliot sits on the right and Marco rests his head on his shoulder. The pilot starts the chopper.

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