Chapter 37 - Angel vs Devil

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At the sixteenth week :

Elliot wakes up and as usual his day starts with the morning sickness. He is really tired of this but somehow it feels good whenever he thinks about his baby. His little baby bump is showing now. It has grown more than necessary. Elliot comes out of the bathroom after bath and wears his maternity clothes which Marco brought for him. He sits on the couch and sees a letter from his husband. "Hey hubby, uhm.. actually ma and I had to come to the office early in the morning for some important work. I don't wanna disturb your sleep that's why I didn't wake you. Anyways, Atharv is there for your protection and call me if anything happens okay? And please eat your meal and do take care of yourself. I love you." is written in it. Elliot smiles and kisses the paper. "I love you too." he says.
He takes the plate and eats the fruits. He sips the orange juice while rubbing his bump. "I seriously can't wait to see you baby. Papa loves you so much." he talks with himself.

Suddenly he hears a helicopter sound and looks like it's coming towards their mansion. Elliot immediately stands up and looks out of the window. He sees a man climbs off the chopper and enters their mansion. Elliot takes his phone and goes downstairs. "Why did you come bestie? You please go from here, I will talk to him." Atharv says. Elliot doesn't listen to him and stands at the centre of the living room. His eyes widens seeing Daniel in front of him. "Daniel? What is he doing here?" he asks. "That's why I was telling you to leave and let me handle it." Atharv whispers. Daniel comes and stands in front of Elliot. "No need to afraid, I'm not here to harm anyone. I'm just here to apologize." he says. "For what?" Atharv asks. "For everything, Everything I did to this family. Especially to your husband Marco." Daniel looks at Elliot. "Listen, bro is not home now neither aunty, so it will be better if you just get out from here." Atharv says.

Daniel chuckles. "I know you guys hates me so much, actually I deserve it for what I did. But I'm seriously here to apologize and nothing else." he folds his hands. Elliot remains silent. "I know I made a terrible mistake to hurt Marco and I'm really sorry for that." Daniel says. "Oh drama queen, we don't care about your sorry okay? Now please get out of here." Atharv says back. "I'm not doing any drama my dear. I'm really very sorry for everything I did. From the bottom of my heart I apologize for my mistake." Daniel says. "Stop crying like a crocodile okay? We are not fool like uncle Robert understand? Now please leave or I will call Marco!" Atharv yells. "At least you listen to me Elliot. I'm really sorry for everything." Daniel looks at Elliot. "Are you a deaf or what? I told you to leave!" Atharv yells again.

Elliot clears his throat and looks at Daniel. "Look, I don't think Marco needs your apology for anything. Because I believe whatever you did to him is not a mistake, it's a crime! I feel instead of apologizing, you need to surrender yourself to the police." he says. Atharv chuckles. "And if you are truly sorry from your heart then I would say, don't apologize! Your sorry will never reduce the pain and trauma you gave to my husband. So if you are really changed as you're saying, then please let us live peacefully! We don't need any kind of apology we just want a peaceful life that's it. So I'm requesting you to leave our home right now. God knows what your intentions are!" Elliot says. Daniel smiles and looks at him up and down. "My intentions are crystal clear Elliot!" he says. "What?" Elliot asks. "I promise, I'll never disturb anyone from your family again. And I also promise you, that you'll get a very peaceful life from now." Daniel replies. "Okay now get out of here!" Atharv yells. Daniel smirks and looks at Elliot. "I will try to keep my promise. But if something goes wrong, please forgive me Elliot." he whispers. "I said leave!" Atharv stands in between them. Daniel gives a suspicious look to Elliot and leaves the mansion.

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