Chapter 23 - Love Heals

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"Britain's Prime Minister's son, found dead in his farm house!! - According to sources, he died due to a massive fire in his farm house. But no statement has come yet from the Prime Minister. The investigation is still going on and if.."

Marco switches off the TV. "This matter will not cool down so soon." Maya says while tapping something on her phone. "Let it be." Marco says back. "Not only this sir." Antony walks in. "Edward's death has created panic in the mafia world. One side says he was murdered and they will definitely take revenge of that. But other parties are scared thinking that if someone can kill the PM's son so brutally then what will happen to them." Antony describes. Marco rolls his eyes and leans back. "This is not a joke Marco, we have to be very careful." David says. "Let them bark David. After a few days they will become silent on their own." Marco says. "What if they don't?" David says back. "Then I will silence them forever!" Marco says. "What!" A voice comes from behind. Everyone turns around and sees Elliot is standing at the door. "Shit!" Marco mumbles. Elliot looks terrified and runs away from there. "El listen to me." Marco runs behind him. "Marco stop! Let me handle this time." Maya interrupts. Marco nods and steps back.

Maya enters the bedroom and finds Elliot is shaking in fear. She immediately hugs him and rubs his back. "It's okay Elliot, please don't panic." she says. She gives him water and sits besides him. "All this has happened because of me. Marco should not have taken such a big step." Elliot says. "Whatever he did was absolutely right and for the good. So, stop worrying about that." Maya says back. Elliot doesn't say anything he lies down in bed and grabs the soft toy which he brought for his baby. He holds that toy tightly to his chest and starts sobbing. Maya gently wipes his tears and lovingly makes him lies down in her lap.

"I also had a miscarriage during my pregnancy." Maya breaks the silence. Elliot immediately looks at her. "The doctor said that I would never be able to become a mother again. (pauses) but then, Marco came into my life as a blessing." Maya says. Elliot keeps staring at her with teary eyes. "What I mean to say is never lose hope. Everything happens at the right time, we just have to be patient." Maya says. She slowly presses Elliot's forehead to make him feel better. Marco silently clicks their pictures from the outside. Suddenly something clicks on his head and he leaves the place.

At the evening:

Elliot is silently sitting on his bed. He looks so lost and devastated. He has even forgotten to read his favourite book. He looks at the marks on his arms and feels so disgusting. Suddenly a light catches his attention. He quickly climbs off of the bed and looks out of the window, he finds Marco is standing there with a banner in his hands. 'Will you go on a bike ride with me?' is written on the banner. Elliot sighs and closes the curtains. Marco looks heartbroken, he is about to give up but he sees Elliot is coming towards him. Marco quickly handovers the banner to the guard and runs towards him. "Uh.. let me help you." he says. "I'm fine." Elliot takes the helmet from him and wears it. Marco wears his own helmet and gets up on the bike. Elliot casually sits behind him. He holds his shoulders. Marco looks at him through the mirror and starts the bike. The other guards follows them behind.

At the beach :

Marco stops the bike near the beach. This is the same place where they came out in front of each other. Elliot gets off of the bike and looks around. Marco holds his hand and takes him to a place. The place is beautifully decorated with red and white balloons. The white curtain is flowing in the air. There's a table beautifully decorated with candles and flowers. Elliot sees a chocolate cake at the middle of that table. But before he can say anything Marco kneels in front of him."Happy Valentine's Day my love." he says holding a flower bouquet in his hand. Elliot blinks his eyes. He doesn't response anything but takes the bouquet from him. Marco stand up and tries to kiss him but Elliot steps back. "Um.. let's cut the cake." Marco says. He takes the knife and cuts the cake. Elliot stands there like a lifeless body. Marco takes a piece and feeds him. Elliot just smiles and sits on a chair nearby.

"Are you okay baby?" Marco says. He sits near his feet. Elliot sighs. "I don't deserve this. I don't deserve anything good in this world." he says. "Hey, please don't say that. You deserve everything baby." Marco says back. "No Marco, Nothing good is written in my destiny." Elliot says. "Really? Stop saying that." Marco holds his hands. "This is the fact!" Elliot yells. Marco doesn't reply anything. "Whatever I wanted since childhood has been snatched away from me. I wanted to live happily with my parents but they passed away and left me alone. Still, I slowly started accepting that thing, thinking that now everything will be fine but that devil John. He started taking advantage of me just for his fun." Elliot breaks down completely. Marco eyes gets fills with tears. "I thought that even if that child was a symbol of someone else's cruelty still that was mine. But see, he too has been taken away." Elliot says. There's so much pain in his words and Marco can feel it.  "I don't even know how to identify myself. As man or as a woman?" Elliot cries out.

Marco takes a deep breath and looks at him. "I know I can't change the past. But at least I can make our future better and secure." he says. Elliot looks at him. "You are so strong Elliot, Whatever has happened to you if I was your place, I would have definitely committed suicide on the very first day." Marco says. Elliot stays silent. Marco holds his hand and takes towards the campfire. "Taking this fire as a witness, I make a promise to you today. After today, if anyone looks at you in the wrong light I will take his life. Even if I have to do anything for this! मी सर्वांना कापून टाकीन!! (I will cut everyone off)" he says. "And talking about your identity. Then live the way you want to live I don't mind. I will never judge you." Marco says.

This melts Elliot's heart, he immediately hugs him. Marco rubs his back. "You speak Marathi well babe." Elliot says. "Uh, if you allow me I can teach you as well." Marco winks. Elliot giggles and kisses his cheeks. "Let's go home baby." Marco says. They gets up on the bike but this time Elliot holds Marco's waist and rests his head on his back. Marco smiles and starts the bike.

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