Chapter 17 - Fear

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Two months later.

A lot of things have changed in these two months. Messing with the Prime Minister's son turns out to be bad for Marco's company. These days he is facing lots of ups and downs in the business. But for him, Elliot's safety is more important than anything else. Maya has started living in Robert's house again as she don't want him to interfere in her son's life. Elliot is now 5-months pregnant. His baby bump has arrived and his old clothes no longer fit him. So, Marco brought the entire showroom to his mansion so that Elliot would not have to go out of the house.

"No babe, I can't go there like this. You go and tell everyone. I don't have the courage to go out in this condition." Elliot says. "Oh baby, trust me you'll be alright. Nothing is going to happen okay? Now come with me." Marco takes his hand and walks towards the main hall. Elliot's heart start beating fast as soon as he sees the cameras. "Babe please, let me go." he whishpers. "It's alright we have to do this together. Now sit here." Marco helps him to sit on the chair. The photographers start clicking their pictures which makes him more uncomfortable. Marco looks at him and rubs his shoulders to make him feel better. He then looks at the camera and starts.

"Hey Ladies and Gentlemen. I know you all are looking at me and wondering what happened that Marco Fernandes himself is sitting in front of the media. (chuckles) Well, it doesn't matter that much because I know that many of you have already knows about us. And I want to thank the media for this. (laughs) Yes! All the articles that you had read is true. Yes I'm Bisexual and I'm dating the love of my life Elliot Williams. (he looks at him) And very soon we are expecting our first child. We will also get married and when we do, you all will come to know. Okay then, thank you for listening, keep your blessings on us. Thank You." he finishes his speech. Elliot takes a deep breath. Marco smiles and helps him to stand up.

"The speech was great. I like it." Sam says from behind. "Thanks man." Marco immediately replies him with a smile. "When did you came here?" Elliot asks. Looking at his expressions, it seems as if he did not like Sam's coming here. "Uh, this morning. I had some work with Marco that's why. By the way congratulations." Sam replies nervously. Elliot just smiles at him. "Okay then, El you go and take some rest I'll see you in a hour." Marco says and guides Sam to his work room. Elliot doesn't give any answer. He looks at him with a deadly expression and heads towards his bedroom.

It's only been fifteen minutes since Marco and Sam left and Elliot is already feeling something strange. The feeling of insecurity and jealousy is running in his blood. He takes out his phone and text Marco. "Hey babe, I need your help. Can you come here now?" he waits for his response. "Baby what's wrong? Are you okay?" Marco walks in. Elliot stands up and close the door. "Are you okay?" he asks him. Elliot slowly approaches him. Before Marco says anything he pins him on the wall and kisses him. He pulls him closer. So close that even the air can't pass between them. The kiss is not soft its rough and it comes out of jealousy. "Woah.. baby let me breathe please." Marco breaks the kiss. "Shut the fuck up!" Elliot again kisses him. It seems like Elliot has forgotten that he is already pregnant.

"Alright, now tell me what happened?" Marco again breaks the kiss. He has no idea what is happening. "I said SHUT UP!" Elliot shouts and again kisses him. "Ouch!" Marco yelps. "Did you just bite my lips!!!" he asks. "Yes I did. So what?" Elliot replies and looks away. Marco's head starts spinning seeing the unexpected love bite from his fiance. He sits on the bed and looks at him. "What's on the earth that made you react like this? Is it your hormones?" he asks. "I don't know." Elliot replies. Marco stays silent for a moment. "Wait! Don't tell me you're jealous of Sam?" he laughs. Elliot rolls his eyes. "I can't believe this! Oh my God! Baby he is just my friend that's it. There's nothing between us baby." Marco says. "Really?" Elliot frowns. "Yes, don't you trust me? Come on darling chill out." Marco says back. "Fine." Elliot says. Marco kisses his forehead. "Can I go now?" he asks. "Yes." Elliot smirks while looking at the love bite. Marco laughs and leaves the room.

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