Chapter 22 - Justice Served

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At the Farm House:

Marco gets out of the car and kicks the door open. Right now he has no control over his anger. He pulls Edward's hair and makes him stand. "I guess. Someone had lost something so special, isn't?" Edward laughs. Marco shoves him on the floor and starts kicking his chest. The blood starts coming out from Edward's mouth but Marco doesn't stop. David enters the house and he gets scared seeing Marco's rage. "Antony, we can't stop Marco today, he will definitely kill Edward. So, just do what I say." he says. "Yes sir." Antony replies. Both of them head towards the another direction. Other guards stay with Marco, they are also scared to see him like this.

"Stop it, Marco it hurts!" Edward screams. Marco grabs his throat and starts choking him hard. "Scream Edward scream! Not a single bird is going to save you today!" he yells back. Edward tries to push him but he is now too weak to do that. Marco releases the grip and takes the belt and starts beating him again. Edward is now fully covered in blood. He struggles to breathe but Marco doesn't give a shit, he keeps beating him again and again. "You shouldn't do that to him." he mumbles and keeps beating and kicking him. David and Antony are now back in the spot. Marco takes some bottles of champagne and breaks them on Edward's head. The entire floor fills with his blood. Marco takes a piece of glass and inserts it in his right hand and starts twisting it hard. Edward screams in pain.

David rushes towards Marco. "Marco please try to understand we can't kill him. He is the Prime Minister's son please! It will create chaos!" he says. Marco pushes him away and again starts punching him hard. "I don't fucking care who the fuck he is! He hurts my Elliot, he killed our baby and I won't spare him until he is dead!" he yells. "Please Marco, think about it. The PM won't spare us." David says again. Marco shakes his head and keeps punching Edward. "I said, I DON'T CARE!" he shouts. David sighs he knows he can't stop him now. Marco takes another piece of glass and inserts it in Edward's neck. He then kicks his abdomen and sits on the sofa. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He remembers Elliot's crying face and screams in anger. David rubs his shoulder to calm him down.

Edward is still alive. He coughs and looks at Marco. "Your friend is right, my father won't spare you! He won't!" he says. "Who will tell your father huh? Your corpse?" Marco opens his eyes. "If you kill me today, remember that you too will not be able to survive! My dad will kill your whore Elliot in front of you and you won't be able to do anything!!" Edward says. This triggers Marco. He stands up and kicks Edward's face. "Your father my foot! After today, if anyone else dares to look at my fiance I will kill them all!!" he growls. "But it can't change the fact that your fiance is a whore! And I had fun with him so many times!" Edward laughs. "ENOUGH!!!" Marco shouts. He punches his face again. "Please Marco leave him. It will create a big problem if he dies!" David stops him. "It's too late now!" Marco says back. Edward laughs like a demon.

Marco stands up and walks towards his car. He comes back in a minute with the gasoline can in his hands. "Marco please don't do this. Don't be mad please!" David panics. Antony also tries to stop him but Marco ignores. He opens the can of gasoline and poures it over Edward. Then he takes the another can of gasoline and again poures it over him. Edward is now shaking in fear. "I told you again and again to stay away from my Elliot but you didn't listen. Now you will suffer the punishment for this." Marco yells. He lits the matchbox and looks at him. "You touched Elliot with these hands, right? Now I will burn your hand first!" he says and throws the burning match towards Edward's hand. David and the rest of the guards are too stunned to speak. Edward screams loudly seeing his hands are burning. Marco lits another matchbox and throws it towards him. Edward's body cathes the fire. His whole body is burning now. He is screaming his lungs out. Without blinking, Marco silently looks at Edward's burning body. After a couple of minutes Edward stops screaming. He is not moving anymore but his body is still burning. Edward is dead. Marco burns him alive!

"I hope you still burns in hell!" Marco says.

Next morning, at the Hospital:

Elliot is sleeping. Maya and Lisa are sitting on the couch nearby. The nurse is checking the monitor and writing something on paper. "It will not be easy for him." Lisa says. "I know but atleast we can try to do as much as we can." Maya says back. Lisa nods. The nurse leaves the room. Maya stands up and goes near to the bed. "You are so strong Elliot, everything will be alright soon. We are always here for you." she says while rubbing his forehead. The door opens and Marco enters the room. Maya looks at him. "What happened? Why are you looking like this? What did you do?" she asks. "I gave justice to Elliot!" Marco replies. Maya doesn't say anything, she takes Lisa with her and leaves the room. Marco takes a deep breath and sits on his knees. He takes Elliot's hand and kisses it. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you again. I will kill each and everyone who will try to harm you!" he whispers.

An hour later. Elliot wakes up and finds Marco is sleeping holding his hands. He tries to move his hands but fails. The doctor enters the room. "How are you feeling Elliot?" he asks. "I don't know." Elliot replies. The doctor sighs and checks the monitor. Marco wakes up by the noises. He looks at Elliot and rubs his arms. Elliot yelps and Marco immediately removes his hand. "Is this still hurting?" he asks. Elliot doesn't response. "Alright, everything looks good. The small aches will stay but at least you are out of danger but still, take care of your stitches. Yeah, now you can go home now." The doctor says. "Thank you doctor." Marco replies. The doctor leaves the room. Marco hugs Elliot softly. "I love you sweetheart." he says. "Don't ever call me that! I hate that name." Elliot says back. "I'm sorry baby. I won't do that again, I'm sorry." Marco apologies. "Let's go home now." he says.

At the Mansion:

Marco helps Elliot to climb the stairs. "Elliot I'm going to make some food for you, so before that go and take shower. You will feel better." Maya says. Elliot just nods and slowly enters the bedroom. Marco quickly grabs some clothes from the wardrobe and gives it to him. Elliot takes that and goes for shower. Marco sits on the bed and taps something on his phone.

Elliot takes off his clothes and looks at the marks on his body. He feels so disgusting. He takes the loofa and starts scratching himself. "Why it is not removing?" he shouts. Marco hears him and runs towards the bathroom. He enters and sees Elliot is scratching himself. "What are you doing El? Stop it!" Marco snatches the loofa from him. "I hate this Marco. I hate this." Elliot cries out. "I know I know." Marco wraps him in his arms and kisses his forehead. "Let me help you." he says. He helps Elliot to sit in the bathtub and slowly slowly moves his hands on his back. Elliot leans back on his chest and squeezes his eyes. "It's okay calm down." Marco says and lifts him up. He helps him wear the clothes and comes out of the bathroom.

Elliot sits on the bed and Marco applies medicines on his scars. "Do you still love me?" Elliot asks. "Of course baby. Look I know it's not easy for you but trust me you'll be fine soon." Marco replies. Elliot sighs and lies down on the bed and covers his face with the blanket. Marco closes the curtains. Maya comes in with the plate. "He is sleeping ma." Marco says. He walks towards her and hugs her. Maya rubs his arms. "We need to take care of him more. This is definitely not going to be easy for him." she says. Marco breaks the hug and turns towards Elliot who is awake and crying under the blanket. "Heal him the way you healed me, ma." Marco says. "Sure." Maya replies and leaves the room. Marco sits at the corner of the bed and slowly presses Elliot's foot. After a few minutes he also falls asleep.

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