Chapter 28 - Engagement!

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At the Mansion :

"Is everything ready? Did you all do everything correctly?" Maya asks the decorators. "Don't worry madam, we did exactly what you said." the lady replies. Maya nods and walks towards the kitchen. "There should be no shortage of food, so many guests are coming today." Maya says to the chefs. She checks all the foods to make sure that everything is fine. "Calm down aunty, everything is great don't worry." Atharv says from behind. "Thank you Atharv, for helping me so much. If you were not here, I don't know how I would have been able to do all this." Maya hugs him. "This was my duty aunty. After all, it is my elder brother's engagement." Atharv says. "Yeah sure. Oh, by the way, are both of them getting ready or not?" Maya asks. "Yes, they are almost done." Atharv replies. Maya smiles and they heads towards the main hall.

"Marco, stop peeking into that room and set your hair first." David says. Marco rolls his eyes and stands in front of the mirror. David is wearing white shirt and black coat with black jeans. "Someone seems so excited, huh?" David teases him. Marco blushes while setting his hair. "Done. Can we go now?" he says. "Oh yeah definitely." David laughs. Marco again peeks into that room where Elliot is getting ready. "Oh my God, I can't!" David holds his arms and takes him downstairs.

All the guests have arrived. The media starts clicking his picture as soon as he comes in front. Marco meets with all the guests and greets them. The musicians are playing a lovely music. The hall is beautifully decorated with flowers. Atharv and David stands next to Marco. Maya is busy managing everything. "Hey what's up mate?" Sam arrives. "Oh! How are you Sam? Thanks for coming." Marco hugs him. "Of course, it's your big day." Sam says. Marco looks upstairs and waits for Elliot. "He is so lucky to have you." Sam whispers. Marco doesn't hear him, his eyes are stuck at the stairs. Sam looks at him and smiles. "Hey Sam, come here buddy." David shouts. He takes him to the another side.

After a few minutes, Elliot finally comes downstairs."I didn't make you wait too long, right?" he says. "You look so breathtaking." Marco says. Elliot blushes. Marco holds his hand and climbs up the stage. They both are wearing the same sky blue sherwani. "They look so cute with each other." Lisa says. She is wearing a beautiful red gown."Indeed. At least your brother doesn't fight with his partner all the time." David says back. Lisa slaps his back. "Alright guys, let's start the ceremony now." Maya climbs up the stage with the rings. Elliot and Marco looks at each other. Maya gives the ring to Elliot first. He takes the ring and looks at his fiance. Marco winks at him. Elliot smiles and puts the ring on his finger. Everyone claps and cheers for them. Maya gives the ring to Marco and steps back. Marco kneels in front of Elliot and puts the ring on his finger. Media clicks their pictures. "Are you ready be my husband?" Marco smirks. Elliot smiles brightly. "Congratulations to both of you." David and Lisa shouts at the same time. "Thanks cuties." Marco replies.

They climbs down the stage and talks with the guests. "They are so perfect for each other, isn't?" Atharv says. Sam doesn't say anything. He sips his drink and stares at them. "Elliot is so lucky to have a partner like Marco." Atharv says and walks away. Sam stays silent. He takes another glass of whisky and drinks it at once.

The musicians plays 'Until I found You.' song by Stephen Sanchez. Lisa takes David's hand and joins the dance floor. Atharv joins the dance floor with a random girl. "Will you dance with me?" Marco whispers. Elliot smiles and holds his hand. They also join the dance floor. Marco swings Elliot and pulls him closer. Elliot rests his head on his shoulder and dances. "I was thinking.." Marco says. "About what?" Elliot asks. "Why don't we go on a long drive as boyfriends one last time before the wedding?" Marco asks. "Nice plan. Let's go then." Elliot agrees. They holds each other's hands and heads towards the car. Sam looks at them but stays quiet.

Elliot gets up in the car while Marco talks with Antony. "Catch that blackmailer as soon as possible. And one more thing, find out whether the work given by me was done or not. And take care that no one knows this. I don't want any drama in our marriage." he says. "Sure sir." Antony says back. Marco nods and walks towards the car. He gets up and starts the car.

In the car:

Marco drives the car at minimum speed and Elliot enjoys it so much. Marco smiles seeing his fiance like this. "Why did this plan of going on a long drive come suddenly?" Elliot asks. "I wanted to show you my driving skills baby." Marco replies. "You're insane!" Elliot laughs. Marco speeds up the car. The road is full empty and this is the perfect moment for him to show off his driving skills. He drifts the car and Elliot enjoys it. "Did you like it baby?" Marco asks. "Yeah absolutely." Elliot replies. Marco kisses him while drifting the car again. "Careful Marco, please focus on your driving please." Elliot breaks the kiss. Marco speeds up the car again but suddenly stops it in the middle. "What happened?" Elliot asks. He looks ahead.

At least ten vehicles have surrounded them from all sides. "Who are these people?" Elliot panics. "The mafia gang. They used to work for Edward." Marco replies. "What!" Elliot looks at him. "Whatever happens, don't get out of the car." Marco says and gets off of the car. He walks towards them. Elliot leans back and waits.

"So, you are the one who killed Edward right?" Jack asks. Marco chuckles and looks at him. "If you know then why are you asking? Have you made this rule yourself?" he replies. "Looks like you've got a little too much pride in your head. Don't worry, today your pride and you will be destroyed together." Jack says. Marco laughs. "Look around yourself, you are surrounded by us. There is no place to run." Jack shouts. Elliot watches but can't hear anything. "Get ready to die kiddo." Jack laughs. "You brought so few people to kill me? Couldn't you bring a few more people?" Marco shouts. Jack is too stunned to react. "Is he mad?" a man asks. "You don't know our boss, if he comes here, you will not be able to escape." Jack says. Marco laughs and looks at him. "Call him right now. I will also see what he can do." he says back. "Alright as you wish." Jack shouts.

Elliot tries to open the door but it is locked. "Now you will see how dangerous he is." Jack says and takes out his phone. Marco just smiles. Just as Jack calls his boss, Marco's phone rings. Everyone looks at him with fear in their eyes. Marco picks up the call. "What's up?" he says on the call. Jack's phone slips from his hand. Marco smirks and cuts the call. "If you have talked to your boss, should we go now?" he says. Jack starts sweating. Everyone drops their gun and steps back as Marco approaches his car. "What did they say?" Elliot asks him. "Those people are in shock right now. I will see them later." Marco replies. Elliot gets confused but doesn't ask anything. Marco starts the car and drives towards his home.

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