Chapter 8 - New Home

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"Does anyone know where Marco is? It's late at night and he still hasn't returned yet!" Maya enquires. "I don't know madam, he got a call from someone and he immediately left after that." Julia replies. Maya sighs. She continuously calls his son but he isn't responding. This makes her more worried. She even calls David but he is also not answering. It never happened before, whenever Marco goes somewhere he always leaves a message for his mother but this time nothing. She sits on the sofa waiting for a response from him.

"Don't take stress Maya, he is not child anymore. He'll come back don't worry." Robert says. "This is the first time he is not answering my calls! I just hope he is fine." Maya wipes her tears. She looks at the door in hope he'll come soon. Julia offers water to drink but she refuses. "Please Marco tell me you are alright, please come back." she cries looking at his picture on her phone. "Maya that's enough, go and sleep now. We have an important meeting tomorrow. And I don't wanna miss that." Robert yells.
"You go and sleep, I will not move from here until my son comes back." she yells back.

"Oh my God auntie, please don't fight." Daniel walks in. Maya rolls her eyes. "Uncle, I think you should rest. Don't worry I'm staying here with her. I already sent my guards to find him. Marco is my brother I care for him too." he says. "Oh please shut up!" Maya yells. "Well, I know you are stressed right now. But I don't think he is in danger. Infact I think..." Daniel stops. "What? What do you mean?" Maya asks him. "I'm sorry but I think maybe he is hooking up with someone." he says with a evil smile.

"If you can't say anything good then why don't you remain silent?" Marco says standing at the main gate. "Marco!" Maya cries out and rushes towards him and gives a tight hug. He hugs her back and kisses her head. Robert and Daniel looks at each other. "Where you at huh? Why you were not picking my calls?" she asks still hugging him. "Sorry ma, my phone was silent." he replies.

They breaks the hug and sees Elliot. He looks too tired. "I'm sorry, I didn't knew you are here too." Maya says him. Elliot doesn't respond. "Ma, he will live with us in this house from now on. Do you have any problem?" Marco asks. "No. I don't have any problems with this." she replies and hugs Elliot.

"But I have!" Robert interrupts. "I didn't asked you, dad." Marco says. "Mum, I have to tell you something." he says. "Sure, come to my room." she replies and heads towards her room. Marco takes Elliot's hand and enters the room in front of everyone. Robert gets irritate and leaves the place. Daniel silently watches everything.

They sits on the couch. "Now tell me what is it?" Maya asks. Marco takes a deep breath and holds her hand. He explains everything that happened to Elliot. He even tells her about killing two people while saving him. Maya exhales, she couldn't believe what she just hear. She immediately hugs Elliot and rubs his back.

"You are so strong Elliot. I couldn't even imagine how much you have suffered there! I'm so sorry." she breaks down. Elliot breaks the hug and wipes her tears. "Please don't cry. I'm fine now." he says. Maya finally calms down. They gets disturbed by a knock. "Madam, the deputy is here. He wants to talk to you." Julia says behind the door. "What?" Marco whispers. They stand up and heads towards the main hall.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" Maya shouts at him. Felix looks at them. "Daniel! Did you call him here?" Maya yells. "Come on aunt. I know he is my dad but he is a deputy too. He is here for his duty only." Daniel replies. "Oh! So, Felix. Tell me why you are here? What kind of duty you have here?" Maya asks him. "I'm here to arrest your son Marco! He killed two innocent people." Felix says. "Innocent? Really? They were about to kill me! Whatever I did, I did as a self defence that's it." Marco says.

"That court will decide, but you have broken the law. And my duty tells me that those who break the law should be punished!!" Felix says. Maya crosses her arms and directly looks at his eyes. "Duty? Law? You are talking about law? Then please tell me, where was your law that day? Why didn't your duty say anything that day?" she asks him. Felix sighs and looks at Marco. "My duty and my law support the truth, not lies!" he says. Daniel smirks. Somewhere he wanted this to happen.

"So, if you are done then let me take your son with me. Officers take him." Felix orders. The officer takes Marco's hand and drags him outside the gate but Elliot comes and blocks their way. "No! He is not going anywhere. It was not his fault!" he shouts. "Take me with you. It was my fault. I called him for help. Arrest me!" he panics. Marco notices that he is struggling to breathe. He immediately releases the grip and holds him. Elliot gets panic attack. "Ma, call the doctor please! El.. breathe with me okay 1.. 2.. yes you can do it." he helps him.

"The doctor is coming! And you Felix, let me talk to my lawyer okay? Now get lost!" Maya shouts. Felix and other officers leaves the house. Marco lifts Elliot and takes him to his room.

The doctor comes and examine Elliot. He gives some medicines. "Please do take care of him. He needs rest." the doctor says. He handovers the prescription and leaves. Elliot is finally calms down. He looks at Marco and pulls him closer. Marco wraps him in his arms. Maya feels so helpless. She have no idea how to save her son. "I have an idea." Elliot breaks the silence. "If I go to the court and tell everything, nothing will happen to Marco." he says. "What? No you can't do that!" Marco worries. "This is the only way I can save you Marco! Trust me, I'll be fine." Elliot assures him. "Fine. If you say so." Marco says.

"Alright then, I'll tell my lawyer about it. Now take some rest you both. We have to win the war." Maya says and leaves the room. Marco takes a pillow and blanket and about to leave the room. "Where are you going?" Elliot asks. "Uh.. I told you I sleep in the light. So, I'm going to the other room so you can sleep peacefully." Marco replies. "But I can sleep only when you are with me." Elliot says. This melts Marco's heart he immediately hugs him and kisses his forehead. Soon they falls asleep in each other arms.

Next day :

Elliot, Marco and Maya visits the court. John is also present here. Elliot takes a deep breath and finally speaks up. He tells the court everything that John had done to him. And he also explains why Marco was forced to kill those two people. Hearing all this, the judge sentences John to life imprisonment and declares Marco innocent.

Maya runs towards Elliot and hugs him. "Thank you sweetheart. Thank you so much. I know I'm sounding so selfish right now but I know how hard it was for you." she says. Marco also joins them. "Let's go home, your new home." he says. All smiles and heads towards the car.

At home :

Elliot gets ready for shower. He takes Marco's towel and takes off his tshirt. Daniel silently watches him standing outside their room. Elliot is unaware of him. Daniel slowly steps in. "Don't you dare Daniel!" Marco stands in front of him. He pushes him away and slams the door. Daniel runs from the place.

"Do you need help?" Marco asks. "Not really thank you." Elliot blushes and runs towards the bathroom and locks it. Marco laughs at sits on the couch. He feels so happy and blessed to have his love with him.

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