Chapter 42 - He is mine

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Next day :

Marco and Elliot are walking in their garden holding hands. Elliot is wearing a loose sky blue coloured gown and Marco is shirtless, he is only wearing his pajama. Atharv and Maya are in the kitchen preparing the lunch. "Babe I seriously can't do this anymore, I mean.. how much time will it take them to come out?" Elliot says. "I have no idea baby, there are taking so much time." Marco replies. He stands behind him and holds his bump in his hands. "Oh.. it feels so good now." Elliot closes his eyes. Maya coughs. "I'm extremely sorry to disturb you both, but I need to tell you something." she says. Marco and Elliot looks at her. "What is it ma?" he asks. "I know you don't feel like it, but will you still be able to go and talk to that German client?" Maya asks. "He is so irritating, only you can handle him." she says. "Fine, I'm going." Marco replies. "But please don't kill him." Elliot teases. "As you wish darling." Marco says. He laughs and leaves for office. Maya holds Elliot's hand and takes him to the room.

At afternoon:

After finishing the lunch, Elliot is sitting on his bed and reading his favourite book. Suddenly the baby kicks. "You respond well but when will you both come out? I can't wait anymore." Elliot says. The Babies kicks again but this together. "Okay okay calm down now and let me finish this book." he says. Suddenly his phone buzzes. He unlocks the phone and sees a message from an unknown number. "Get ready for my first attack. I heard he is not at home. " is written on it. "What the hell!" Elliot panics and immediately calls Marco but his phone is busy. He climbs off the bed and goes downstairs.

"Atharv we need to go right now." he shouts. "But where and why are you sweating so much?" Atharv asks. Elliot shows him the text. "He's not answering my call please Atharv, we need to go." he says. "No bestie, I'm sorry but I can't take you in this condition." Atharv says back. "I'm fine don't worry but we need to go right now before something happens to him." Elliot requests. "Okay fine! Come with me." Atharv holds his hand and walks towards the car. They gets up in the car and leaves for office.

At the office:

Marco finishes his meeting with the German client and bids him goodbye. He takes his laptop and is about to leave the office but he stops in the middle, he feels someone is coming towards him. "Antony, please go and check who is it." he says. Antony nods and walks in another direction. As soon as he leaves the place someone grabs Marco's hand and pulls him inside the cabin and locks it. His forehead hits the corner of the table and starts bleeding. He immediately stands up and takes out his gun. "Sam? What the fuck are you doing here?" he yells. Sam approaches him. "I'm just here to talk to you." he says. "Oh really? But I'm not interested in talking to you." Marco yells. "But I want to talk to you. I don't want anything to happen to you." Sam yells back.

Marco laughs. "Have you come to do this drama after joining my enemy's team? I don't need your fucking protection okay? Now leave my way otherwise I'll shoot you." he says. "Then shoot me Marco! Kill me right now and live your life happily. Come on shoot me." Sam provokes him. Marco rolls his eyes. "I know you can't because you know you love me! If you don't then shoot me right now!!" Sam shouts. "You've really gone crazy, you know? I am not killing you because I once considered you as my best friend. But how does the monkey know the taste of ginger? You don't know the real value of friendship." Marco says. "Yes I don't know anything but one thing I know is that I love you. And I know you love me too." Sam yells. "Looks like you too have gone crazy by living with that psycho! How many times should I tell you that I have no feelings for you? And whatever friendship we had, you yourself have ended it! So don't blame anyone for your stupidity." Marco yells back.

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