Chapter 16 - Challenge

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In the Mansion:

The doctor comes to check Elliot after that horrific incident. They want to make sure that everything is good as Elliot becomes silent after coming back from London. "How is he doctor?" Maya asks. The doctor puts down her stethoscope and looks at her. "By the God's grace, he is fine. Both of them are fine." the doctor replies. Maya takes a breath of relief. "But Elliot." the doctor looks at him. "You have to be more careful now as you are entering in your second trimester." she says. Elliot nods without looking at her. "And please don't take any stress. Because any kind of stress or pressure can effect the baby. I'm sure you don't want that to happen. So, please do take care of yourself." she says. Elliot places a hand on his belly and looks at her. "I will. I will do care of me and my baby's. Thank you doctor." he says. The doctor smiles and walks towards the gate. "Please don't let him take any stress again. And make sure he eats his meal." she whispers on Maya's ear and leaves.

Elliot takes a deep breath and sits straight in the bed. "Okay so Elliot, tell me what you want to eat today? Today I'm your personal chef, so tell me what you want?" Maya stands in front of him. "Anything mam." he replies. "Mom. Call me mom okay?" Maya says back. Elliot smiles and looks at her. "Anything you want mom. I'm okay with everything." he says. "As you wish my son." Maya kisses his forehead. "Where is Marco?" Elliot asks. His eyes are desperate to see his fiance. "He said, he has an important meeting. But don't worry he will come soon." Maya replies and leaves for the kitchen. Elliot takes his book and gets lost in it.

At the office :

Marco is sitting quietly in his chair. Looking at him it seems that whatever anger he has inside him can erupt like a volcano at any time. He is wearing black shirt with black jeans. It seems as if he has come to someone's funeral. After a moment someone knocks the door. He turns around and clenches his fist seeing Edward in front of him. "What's the matter Marco, why did you call me here?" Edward asks. Marco didn't answer, he keeps staring at him. "Alright let me guess, we couldn't meet on dad's birthday, that's why you called me here, right?" Edward laughs. He comes forward and sits on a chair. "Oh my God Marco, am I such a heretic to you? I mean, if you had told me earlier, we could have met somewhere else." he says with a devilish smirk. "Antony, please close the door and don't let anyone come inside." Marco finally breaks his silence.

"Oh shit! If I had known earlier, I would have come fully prepared. Anyways tell me, what service can I do for you?" Edward says. His voice sounds like a monster to Marco. He sighs and looks directly in his eyes. "Do you know Elliot?" he asks. Edward blinks his eyes tries to avoid the eye contact. "Well, I meet so many people every day, I don't know whom you're talking about." he lies. "You exactly knows whom am I talking about, Edward Middleston!" Marco growls. Edward laughs like a devil. "Okay if you insists. Yes I met a boy a few months ago. Trust me Marco, I still miss his body and the touch of pink lips. I had a lot of fun with him. I swear, if I find him again this time I won't let him go anywhere!" he says.

"He is my fiance, you piece of shit!" Marco hits the table hard and stands up from his chair. "Oh shit! Now I get it why you are so desperate about that boy!" Edward laughs. "Breaking News! The millionaire buisness man Marco Fernandes is in love with slut! By the way, how did you impress him? Alright, let's make a deal, you give me my Elliot back and I will give you the whole world in return." he says. Hearing all this, Marco starts trembling in anger. "I will tell you everything the day I drag you to court!" he shouts.

"Court? Seriously! You will take me to court? Do you even know whom you are talking to?" Edward yells. "Yes! I'm talking to a monster right now!" Marco yells back. "What will you say in court huh? Look your honor, that man had raped my fiance. Yeah it is a different matter that my fiance is also having an affair with his uncle! - this all you will say in the court?" Edward shouts. Marco clenches his fist. His anger is raising on high.

"Tell me where is the fucking proof that I raped Elliot? Do you have any proof? No? (laughs) Oh you poor guy, then the judge won't listen to you." Edward says. "Okay, only for your happiness I admit, that yes I did! I Edward Middleston raped your fiance Elliot! Tell me, what will you do with me? You won't be able to do anything harm to me, you don't know my power! I will do it again and again. Whenever I feel like it, I will touch him and you will not be able to do anything. You will remain like a puppet." Edward says and laughs like a devil.

Marco couldn't bear it anymore. He crosses the chair and stands in front of Edward. "What happened Are you feeling angry? Uhh.. what to do now, he is such a whore that I can't control my feelings." Edward teases. Before he can say anything Marco slaps him. "What the hell!" Edward shouts. Marco slaps him again. "Marco, you don't know who you've messed with! I won't spare you!" Edward yells. Marco pulls him by his collar and looks directly in his eyes. "You were crying out for proof, weren't you? NOW YOU GIVE ME PROOF THAT I SLAPPED YOU!" Marco yells back. He pushes him away. "Aren't you flying much? No problem. I swear I will put you in such a condition that you will beg for mercy in front of me." Edward warns. Marco laughs and looks at him. "Challenge Accepted!" he growls. "Antony, open the gate. Our guest is missing his home." Marco orders. Edward gives a death stare and walks away. "Antony, keep an eye on him." Marco says. Antony nods in understanding.

In the mansion :

Marco finally returns home in the evening. He enters his bedroom and finds Elliot lost in his own world. "Hey baby, how are you?" he calls him. Elliot looks at him. "Where were you huh? I called you so many times, why didn't you pick up?" he scolds him. "Oh baby I'm so sorry, my phone was silent. I'm sorry." Marco holds his ears and pouts. "Don't do that okay? Don't make that puppy face you idiot. I'm not forgiving you." Elliot looks away from him. Marco comes near him and kisses his cheeks. "So tell me how can I help you?" he smirks. Elliot pushes him away. "I know what your intentions are. But right now I am thinking of eating something sour, so bring it for me immediately." he says.

"By the way, there's something else is also sour." Marco winks. "Are you going on your own or should I kick your ass?" Elliot says. "Okay fine I'm going! The child has not arrived yet and this is the condition. Don't know what will happen when it comes." Marco says and walks towards the kitchen. Elliot starts laughing after hearing the rant from him.

Marco takes some pickles from the fridge and comes back. "Here is your pickle my dear lovely fiance." Marco handovers the bowl. "Thank you my dear not a gangster fiance." Elliot teases. "Do you really want me to become a gangster? I guess then you can sing that song." Marco smirks. "What song?" Elliot asks. "Daddy let me know that I'm your boy. The only man that I need in this gangster world is you...." Marco starts singing. Elliot kicks him away. "You are sleeping in the couch tonight." he says. "Babyyyyyy" Marco again makes the puppy face. "No, get off idiot." Elliot lies down in bed and covers his face. Marco feels relaxed seeing his lover laughing and smiling after so long. He climbs up in the bed and starts cuddling Elliot.

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