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TW: It gets suggestive towards the end.

"Hey mom?" Sera called out, bouncing down the stairs with Alastor in tow, her brushing her hair and Alastor arranging his messy hair away from his antlers.

"Oui fille?" Monique called from the couch, a cup of coffee in her hands as she lounged and watched tv.

"I have some questions about-" it's just then Sera realizes there's a man sitting next to Monique, with deep pink eyes and black hair cut short and messy.

His skin was a pale white and he has a knick in his cheek that had scarred over. Sera looked over her shoulder once she felt a hand on her lower back, seeing Alastor in his human form.

She raised a brow.

He didn't see me coming down the stairs. He grunted through the bond, and she nodded before turning back to her mother and the man.

"Serafina, this is your father." Monique introduced, making the man stand and approach.

His pink eyes flittered over Alastor with a glare before switching to be somewhat possessive when they flicked to Sera. The brunette didn't like the aura around the man, and nervous pricks needled into the soulmate bond to alert Alastor of her standoffishness.

"Brent Xaela." The man gruffed holding a hand out for Alastor once assessing both his and Sera's eye colors.

"Alastor Hartifelt." The Demon said with a light voice, knowing a deep gruff would only make Sera's anxiety worse.

Once he shook Alastor's hand, Brent's eyes went back to his daughter. She hesitantly reached a hand out, her shoulders taut as he takes her hand and places a gentle kiss against her knuckles.

Alastor sent her a wave of protectiveness and assurance through the bond, and her shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Roommates?" Brent asked, releasing his daughter's hand.

"Lovers, actually." Alastor cut in for his mate.

"Soulmates." Sera corrected, casting a sly grin over her shoulder at the Demon.

"But, lovers would be a good term too." She finished after a moment when she realized her magic hadn't flared up when her father had touched her hand.

Brent nodded. "As long as he treats you right kiddo."

"He does." Sera said with finality, keening as Alastor kissed her cheek before gliding past her and heading towards the kitchen.

"Hungry?" He called over his shoulder.


"What did you have questions about, Sera?" Monique asked, leaning against Sera's headboard.

The brunette fidgets for a moment before settling her hands in her lap and looking into her mother's purple eyes. "You mentioned that me and Al would have to.. 'complete' the bond, what does that entail?" She asked, tilting her head.

"As odd this will be to tell you it's necessary." Monique sighed, brushing her braided hair out of her face.

"You'll have to be intimate. If you catch my drift." The creole woman said, pushing her glasses up on her nose.

"Like sex?" Sera asked, eyebrows raised.

Monique nodded. "You'll feel it right before climaxing, if you do it right you'll climax at the same time before your souls tie to each other permanently."

Sera blew air through her nose, leaning back and swallowing hard, green eyes flittering with nerves. She felt Alastor push waves of curiosity and assurance through the bond, and smiled softly.

"Okay then.."


"Lewis just called, he wants us to go out for dinner and then drinking at Devils Gate." Alastor calls out, perking his head into the bedroom.

Sera was in the middle of looking through her wardrobe for an outfit, but paused and looked up at Alastor as he said this.

"Okay, I'll be ready in a few. Wear something other than your usual suit? Please?" She pleaded, giving him doe eyes.

He rolled his eyes. "Maybe." He said, eyes narrowed.

She slinked up to him, pulling him into the bedroom and locking her arms around his shoulders. "Please?" She simpered, brushing her nose against his.

The stag squeezed his eyes shut and released a breathy chuckle before quickly stealing a kiss from the brunette.

Vixen. He growled into the bond when her hand tangled into his hair, just barely and inch away from his ears.

She smirked into the kiss. You like it, don't lie.

He grunted, quickly whirling them both around and pressing her into the now shut bedroom door and swiping his tongue across her bottom lip.

She lets out a surprised hum before playfully denying him, making the stag growl and his hands twitch against her hips.

"You make it difficult to be a gentleman." Alastor growled against her lips.

"Then don't be one." She chuckled, one of her hands gliding down and latching onto his tie.

He moved to pull away but she wound the tie around her hand and yanked him back into her, their lips meeting once more.

The Demon groaned and threw most caution out of the window, grabbing her thighs and hoisting her against the door with his hips between her legs.

"Fine. I'll wear something different, now stop teasing me." He growled, nipping at her neck hard enough to leave a mark.

Sera's back arched, an involuntary whimper leaving her at the feeling.

Alastor chuckled into the skin of her throat, nipping once more.

She smacked his shoulder lightly and he chuckled, letting her down with a kiss to her forehead. "I'll leave you to get ready darling."

"Wait.. you answered a phone call?" She asked, cheeky grin taking over her lips.

His hand grabbed her face and gently shoved her away, his ears furrowed and grin tight as he opened the bedroom door. "Shut it." He growled, leaving the room.

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