A Mother's Wisdom.

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May 29th, 2024.

Four days until her birth mother's birthday, and Sera's bent over her laptop, searching social medias for any sign of a woman she remembers nothing about except for a lullaby.

As she's looking over a Facebook profile, green magic surrounds the laptop and it closes and is pushed towards the back of the table as a cold nose is pressed into her neck.

"You've been paying more attention to that device than yourself, dear." Alastor mumbled, clawed hand laying her medication on the table in front of her.

Sera rubs her eyes before leaning into his touch, right hand flying up to rub at his ears gently. His soul prods hers cautiously, seeking permission to mingle for a moment. She allows it, eyes drooping at the feeling of a warm embrace crossing into her core.

The brunette yawns, picking up her medicine and taking it with a swallow of her soda before standing and pressing her face into Alastor's chest. Her wore his usual attire, minus his waist coat and staff.

The performer presses adoration and comfort into their shared bond, and he responds in plenty with feelings of adoration and possessiveness, his claws gripping her cheeks lightly as he swooped down and kissed her passionately.

She giggled into the kiss and pulled away after a moment, staring admirably into his red orbs.

"You really like kissing me don't you?" She teased, and he stuck his tongue out at her.

"Mayhaps I do my dear, what're you gonna do, bite me?" He teased right back, only to eat his words.

He looked down at his palm, seeing a quickly forming mark in the shape of Sera's teeth forming.

"Yes." She cackled.

"I'll get you back for that one." The stag smirked, the glow in his bright red eyes strengthening until a knock at the front door interrupts them.

"I'll get it, put your laptop away." Alastor instructs, phasing into his human form and heading towards the front door.

Sera rolls her eyes before moving to do as told, shoving her laptop into it's place in the cabinet by the tv stand.

When she turns around, there's a woman standing in the entree way to the living room, she was the same height as Sera with Alastor's skintone, purple eyes, purple eyeliner, glasses, bronze hair braided in multiple strands, gold planet earrings that dangled nearly to her shoulders and looked to be in her late thirties at least.

Sera looked behind the woman, tilting her head as she raised a brow at Alastor, who was shrugging.

"S-.. Serafina..?" The woman speaks, sending sparks straight through Sera's brain as flashes of a faceless woman with brown hair and a cut along the bridge of her nose flies through her head, her voice singing the lullaby ringing in Sera's ears.

It's strong enough that Alastor becomes affected, stumbling a little behind the woman. She looks behind her only to gain a knowing look as she looks forward once more, just in time to nearly be tackled by a crying Sera.



"Did Temperance ever tell you why you were adopted?" The woman- now known as Monique Xaela; Sera's mother- asked and received a quiet no from the brunette who sat next to Alastor at the kitchen table.

"Well, I was fifteen when you were born, just shy of turning sixteen. My father wasn't happy, and so he and my mother made the decision without my knowledge to give you up." Monique said, purple gaze swirling with regret.

Bite Me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora