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The sound of a metal utensil falling met the silence that had fallen over the kitchen for the last five minutes, before Sera whirled around to look at her demonic roommate with an incredulous look in her green eyes.

"What?" She demanded.

Alastor felt a cold chill run down his body. This was the last thing he wanted, as he listened to her heartbeat spike with an emotion, he thought was anger.

"Seth can't move on? Why not?" She asked again, picking up the knife and aiming its tip at the stag.

"Henry won't allow him, and he hasn't found a reason to move on." Alastor told her, slowly approaching.

His steps were quiet and calculated, even as his eyes peered at the bruises covering her forearms, worry trying to etch itself into his brows. Why did she always seem to have bruises on her person?

"Hen-.." She had to put the knife down and rub her forehead to keep her voice level.

"Henry won't let him?" She growled.

Alastor nodded, eyes flashing from her gaze to her arm and then back to her eyes. Instead of answering she simply reaches out for him, allowing his gloved palm to make contact with her warm flesh.

"I have half the mind to do some nasty shit to that damned coward." She growled, though her expression eased as the buck rubbed little symbols into her arm with a ghost-like touch.

"Breathe my dear, don't waste your limited energy on the inferior." He muttered, a slight green glow enveloping her arm as he slowly healed the bruising on her arm.

Sera sighed and leaned against the counter, allowing Alastor to heal her skin as she pondered what to do about Henry.

"I'm right here, ya know." Speak of the devil and he will arrive.

Her green eyes flashed to Henry and in a split second she was out of Alastor's grip and in Henry's face, fingers buzzing with crimson bolts as she fought not to paralyze him then and there.

"You leave that boy the fuck alone Henry." She growled.

He rolled his eyes, knowing he could push the boundaries of what Alastor would and wouldn't allow since the stag didn't wish to frighten the brunette anymore. Alastor and Sera were long passed that, the buck could even go as far as to say he found her charming.

Not that he'd admit it outloud.

"Or what, Satanist?" Henry glowered, leaning his face down until his cold nose brushed her freckled one.

"I'll show you Satanist." She growled before magic shot from her fingertips and bright blood red ropes wrapped around Henry's throat, arms and legs.

He yelped as she used the ropes to force him onto his knees, and then he hissed in pain as the ropes burned through his clothing and seared his skin painfully, smoke wafting up as her magic burned his translucent skin.

"You killed him, and now you're keeping him from meeting his mother in Heaven? You deserve worse than Hell." She snarled, before grunting as he found the power to jump up.

His head connected with her jaw, and the magic dissipated fully. Before he could grab her however, green chains attached to his throat and yanked him towards Alastor as the stag's form disfigured itself slightly.

Blood red eyes snapped to Sera, seeing blood dribble down her chin from a bit lip.

The demon's smile turned hideous and wicked as he glared down at Henry.

"I think it's about time you met your fate, my friend." Alastor snarled, static thick with the undertone of a demonic hum as he spoke to the blond.

Sera watched; a sick part of her wishing Henry could suffer more before Alastor forced his shackled soul into the pits of Hell.

"My dear, I hate to ask this, but I need blood to draw my sigil." Alastor tsked, voice less demonic as he addressed his favorite human.

"Alastor, I'm a witch. I have plenty." She beamed before opening a cupboard near the fridge.

The stag's eyes widened at the strange assortment of jars with multiple different labels.

"Huh, so that's where the mailman went." Alastor joked.

The brunette cackled. "No, that's just Jeb." She joked along with him as she pulled out a jar filled to the brim with bright red thick liquid.

"Jeb?" Alastor inquired.

"High school joke. This is actually some creep I dealt with the other day."

The bottle was labeled 'Reese.' Which made Alastor increasingly curious.

"What else are you hiding from me you sneaky little thing?" He chuckled.

"You'll find out. Now, how do I draw the sigil and where?" Sera asked, popping the lid open and making Alastor drool at the scent of the blood, heat still mixing in with the smell of death.

"Basement, and I'll have to use our little connection as a means of showing you." Alastor hummed, flinging the basement door open and dragging Henry down the concrete stairs.

"The connection we don't know why we have? Sounds fun." She chirped, following behind her demon.


818 words

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