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TW: Suggestive themes. Alastor really is fucking WHIPPED. Monique is a little shit. Talk of Leukemia.

Alastor was in love.

No, scratch that. Alastor was whipped.

The past week and a half, Monique and Sera had been attached at the hip, and Alastor adored seeing Sera bonding with the elder Xaela woman.

As a Mama's Boy, Alastor was elated at learning Monique was Sera's birth mother and even found himself respecting the woman that his human was so much alike.

But with this excessive amount of adoration for the 26 year old came itches Alastor didn't normally deal with.

Every time he touched Sera, their magic tried to meld together and their souls would attach slightly, causing them both to become heated and avoid touching in front of Monique, but it was getting increasingly hard not to touch her further than kissing and mild groping even when they were alone.


"Hey mama, you got a sec?" Sera caught her mother's attention before the front door shut, and the elder Xaela turned, giving the brunette her full attention.

"Yes?" Monique asked, cocking a brow.

The performer stepped onto the porch and shut the door so that the Demon within wouldn't hear their conversation. She crossed her arms before making eye contact with Monique.

"I uh.. don't want Alastor knowing quite yet.. but I have a disease, of sorts. A few different ones to be exact, but this one specifically is troubling." Sera mutters, shoulders tense.

"What's wrong, belle?" The creole woman asked.

"I.." She stuttered.

"Fucking shit.. I have leukemia, mom." The brunette spat out, and Monique's purple eyes widened for a moment.

Her mother engulfed her into a hug and held her tight, combing her fingers through Sera's hair as the two share a moment of silence.

"You can fill me in over text, so Alastor doesn't overhear us. I'll see you two at Devils Gate yeah?" Monique asked gently.

Sera nodded, clearing her throat.

"Granted I work there so you'll be seeing some.. things." The brunette joked and raised her eyebrows jokingly.

Monique laughed before shaking her head. She kissed Sera's head before waving and stepping off of the porch, heading towards her car.


Grace and Sera were in the middle of laughing at a crude joke when a country song began to blast through the speakers around the building and the red head pulled the brunette out of the booth, the brunette and ginger having no trouble settling into a comfortable rhythm on the dance floor, Sera leading since Grace was too intoxicated to even try.

"I haven't heard 'Crash my Party' since college!" Grace giggled as the end of the song began winding through the speakers, and she settled her arms around Sera's shoulders.

The brunette squeezed her hips in response with a giggle of her own.

"Yeah, and now we're almost thirty." She quipped, before the song ended and they giggled at more jokes while heading back towards the booth.

This was a side of Sera Alastor liked to see. The carefree side of her that almost reminded him of when he was in his twenties, during the prohibition when he was running amuck with Mimzy and his other friends in his tight nit circle after a shift at the radio station.

The brunette settled next to him and he chanced it by placing an oddly warm hand on her knee, exposed by the rather short spandex shorts she wore. She'd not yet put on her clips to keep her knee highs in place, so her socks settled in a cutely lumped mess on her calves.

Red shocks vibrated his fingertips before a string of faint red magic looped over his middle and ring finger, keeping his skin pinned to her leg and making his loose grin turn smug at her attempt to keep his hand on her knee.

Alastor leaned close to her ear, exposed due to her wearing her brown hair in a ponytail, and began to whisper in a playfully condescending tone.

"If you wanted my touch you needn't use your magic cher." He purred, his grip tightening for a fraction of a second before he pulled away and left Sera slightly flustered.

Two can play that game. Was all that came through their bond before his right knee jolted up and bashed into the table when her hand met the inner thigh of his left leg, nails digging lightly right where she knew subconsciously a scar lay underneath his dark denim.

Little minx. You're on. He growled, canines threatening to break the skin of his lower lip from fighting to keep his smile from turning suggestive.

Monique sent Sera a knowingly scolding glance but the brunette simply smiled cheekily at her mother despite Alastor's green magic sliding up her thighs like warm hands, slowly inching it's way up before gliding back down to her calves and then up again.

The magic got brave and chanced a grab at her rear, making Sera jolt.

Alex raised a brow. "Alright, Sera?" He asked, somewhat worried.

"'m fine, Alex." She ground out between clenched teeth. Her grip on Alastor's thigh tightened in a warning.

Watch it little one, I could absolutely ravage you right here right now and not lift a fucking finger, so remember your place before I make you. He growled through the bond, his voice devoid of the radio filter and taking on a near animalistic growl as his magic surged and left a light painless shock against her inner thigh right by her core.

She could hear a faint southern accent in his filterless voice.

She clenched her teeth but to avoid becoming a panting mess in front of her mother she relaxed her grip on Alastor's thigh before using her pointer finger to trace a heart into the fabric gently, receiving a quiet purr in response.

Good girl.

It was gonna be a long few hours.

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