Don't Touch Her.

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Sera slammed the front door, locking it and tossing her keys onto the hook before stalking into the living room. Seth was nowhere in sight.

"Seth?" She called out, receiving no response from the younger boy.

The brunette took to hoping the boy was either napping or had gone dormant for the moment, and no other noise in the house told her Alastor still hadn't returned from Hell.

She holds her breath for a moment, before going stiff as warm breath wafted down onto the back of her neck.

"I've got you, little mouse." Kory breathes into Sera's ear.

She jumps and tries to get away, but he grabs her by the neck and throws her into the wall, narrowly avoiding a framed photo of Alastor and Seth at a playground while both were still alive.

"You don't get to play the skittish little doe this time, father is very displeased with you." Kory chastised, and before the brunette can get her bearings he swings, his fist connecting roughly with the left side of her face.

She yelps, falling onto her knees on the ground.

She manages to crawl away and into the dining room before he chuckles and grabs her by her long brown hair, throwing her into the wall by the table. He kicks her in the rib, and she could tell Alastor would be chastising her for being careless if she made it out of this.

That's when it clicks in her head.

'If you break or dishonor any of my items, or the house itself, I'll kill you and tear your soul apart.'

Alastor's words rang clearly in her head, and her green eyes subtly shot up to the vase on the table that belonged to Alastor.

Kory grabbed her by the leg, yanking her down until she laid completely on her back, fingers just barely able to graze the metal leg of the table.

With a newfound determination she used both hands to grip the leg of the table and rock it back and forth, a satisfied grunt falling from her lips as it toppled over and she heard the redeeming sound of the glass vase shattering.

Kory cackled at her, brandishing a pocket knife.

"Nice try, mouse." The brunette man sneered before flicking the blade of the knife out, pressing it against the skin of her throat, next to the necklace that laid half-hazardly against her neck.

"We'll see." Sera coughed, smirking as subtle static filled the room.

Kory pushed the blade further against her throat, warning the brunette below him to shut up as he fished out his cellphone.

"Damned thing." He growled, fighting to get it to power on before the glass of the screen shattered and the static in the room became heavy.

"The fuck?!" Kory yelped, a black tentacle surrounded by crackling green magic wrapping around his torso and flinging him off of Sera.

"Kory, meet Alastor. The Radio Demon."


"I do dispise you not letting me kill the man." Alastor grumbled, red ears still fluffed in hostility as the demon pressed ice to Sera's quickly bruising cheek.

Sera simply huffed, her fingers surprisingly cold as she wrapped her hand around his wrist.

"So what? You're fucking a demon now?!" Kory growled from his place tied up in a kitchen chair.

Sera rolled her eyes. "I'm not fucking him, yet, now shut up before I let him eat you." She grumbled, making Alastor sputter for a moment before going silent again.

"Let him what?!" He yelled in mortification.

"You heard the lady." Alastor snapped, his smile glowing for a moment.

"Alastor, bring me his phone." Sera ordered and the stag nearly broke his neck to do so.

She smiled subtly at his actions.

He handed her Kory's phone and the brunette allowed crimson magic to surround the device, glass replacing itself and a few sparks erupting before the device's screen lit up.

"Good luck guessing the pass-" Kory is cut off by Sera smugly holding the phone in front of his face, and the face ID activated, unlocking the phone instantly.

She hummed as she opened the phone, scrolling through it and looking for information.

"So good ole' Dan put you up to this? Ooh and a hefty 5k? Would be a shame if somehow this phone and the messages ended up in.. police hands." Sera chastised in a sing-song voice.

"I'll expose you for being a killer." Kory growled.

Sera leaned into his face with a small smile. "With what proof?" She asked, green eyes shining with mischief.

He growled in response.

"Anywho, Alastor be a dear and destroy this." The brunette leaned into Alastor's shoulder, holding the phone up to him.

One clawed hand laid gently on Sera's shoulder, curling around her collarbones before wrapping around the other shoulder to hold her against his chest. The other grasped the device from her small hands and crushed it before throwing it into a void of shadows.

The brunette brought a hand to her chest, fiddling with the old sapphire that laid there daintily. "Now Kory, I'm sorry to say we don't need you anymore." She said, mock apology written all over her face.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, fear slowly dripping into his voice.

Sera could feel Alastor's possessiveness and anger seep through their bond before the demon even moved. It was blinding, hot, red, and as the stag pushed her behind him to advance on Kory she couldn't find it within her to stop him after such raw emotion poured seamlessly through that wall he had built up.

"Now Kory, surely you didn't think you'd get by unscathed for what you pulled here, did you?" He asked, black slowly swallowing his eyes as his pupils shaped into radio dials.

"W-what-?" Kory mumbled.

"You touched something that belongs to me with the intention to harm it. And that just won't do." His voice melded from normal to static filled with a demonic hum towards the end of his sentence, and he looked back at Sera as if to make sure she was there.

She raised a brow before nodding.

With that, he fully contorted and lunged at Kory with a gleeful laugh.

Bite Me.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon