Unwilling Concern.

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"Valentine's Day, huh?" Alastor commented as he drove Sera's Dodge back towards the house.

The poor brunette was a shivering mess beside him, skin clammy as she clutched her arms around herself for warmth. Exhaustion and pain clear in her gaze, but she chuckled despite it.

"Guess I thought it was a good gift to my parents." Sera rasped.

He chuckled, before once again his brown eyes danced towards her as they sat at a stop light. "Still nauseated my dear?" Alastor asked.

Sera nodded, shifting her seatbelt off of her shoulder before leaning over the center console of the SUV and then she laid her head on his shoulder. "Close your eyes dear, maybe hum a little to ease the nausea until we're back home." He told her, his hand briefly and hesitantly hovering over her head.

She cracked an eye open, humming absentmindedly to something playing on the radio before she rested her hand on his cold one and guided it to rest against the side of her head. This moment of vulnerability didn't go unnoticed by Alastor, and he surprised himself when he simply kept attempting to subtly comfort her instead of take advantage of her vulnerable moment.

She noticed this, and slowly let down a little bit of her guard.


After a few hours of Sera laying down on the couch with Alastor periodically checking on her, she began to slowly feel better and soon found herself venturing into the basement.

She finishes the climb into the basement to see Alastor leaning on one of the torture tables, claws digging into the old bloodstained wood as he glared at Henry with a tight grin that had the corners of his lips almost touching his red eyes.

Henry glared right back, the blond spirit seemingly having found a set of balls he'd previously lacked in Sera's vision the other night, and any other time she'd seen him. Henry's hazel eyes flitted to Sera's form, breaking Alastor's concentration as he too shifted his gaze to the brunette.

Alastor's grin relaxed, and his radio ambience wasn't as intense when he faced her and snapped his staff into existence, twirling it twice in his right gloved palm before addressing her. "Ah! I didn't expect you to be up so soon my dear!" He chastised.

She hummed, stuffing her hands into her hoodie pockets. "Didn't expect the basement to be otherwise preoccupied." She said, shifting her weight in slight nervousness.

"Perhaps you can help get it through this overzealous bafoons head that he's not very approachable." Henry spoke up, hazel eyes flicking back over to the much taller demon.

Alastor scoffed, sending a glare of his own to Henry that told Sera this wasn't what their squabble was about before she entered, but she hummed and humored the spirit anyways.

"I mean, he did try to eat me." She chuckles, sending an apologetic look towards Alastor upon hearing the disgruntled chortle he released.

"But, at least he didn't beat Seth to death." She finishes, and both men's eyes were suddenly on her.

Henry stiffens and scowls at Sera, taking a threatening step towards her. "At least I'm not a Satanist." He growled out.

Sera doesn't stand for it and simply chuckles. "Either way I'm going to Hell and you're stuck here, inside. Kill yourself, Henry." She said before sauntering off with a wave to Alastor as the demon bristled at Henry's hostile behavior.

"Let me know when the trash takes itself out."


Sera paused cleaning as she stared down at her phone screen, the luminescent letters lighting up the screen and showing a phone call coming to her phone.

'Hypocrite is calling...'

Sera groaned and tossed the broom down before picking up the device and begrudgingly answering the call.

At the same time, Alastor enters the room with a tense and somewhat faraway look in his eyes.

"Hello mother." Sera greeted, and Alastor's gaze snaps to hers to correct and chastise her when he realizes she's on the phone.

Sera rolls her eyes at something the woman says before putting her head down, listening wordlessly.

"Pardon me but.. there's one small issue with that." Sera cuts in, and Alastor's head tilts as he watches her face contort into discomfort.

"I uhm- have a roommate." She lets out quickly.

Alastor's eyebrows raised at her wording, before he points to himself questioningly. Sera nodded to his silent question while the woman on the other end of the line begins speaking again.

Alastor's ears fluffed out in exasperation but he said nothing and just walked away to find Seth.


765 words

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