Won't Find No Grace Here.

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Sera jumped, almost falling off of the couch at the sudden voice. She opened her eyes and looked behind her, seeing a tall, tan skinned man with bright red eyes, dressed to the nines in a red suit with a microphone staff and red hair with black tips.

He had what seemed to be stag ears and tiny pronged antlers on the top of his head.

"Who the fuck are you?!" She yelped.

"I asked you first." He chirped in a sing-song voice, bending down to invade her personal space.

His grin was chillingly ever-lasting.

"Sera, now answer the question." She quipped.

"Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart, quite a pleasure indeed!" He had what seemed to be a radio-like filter coating his voice as he spoke, and he was overly enthusiastic.

He held his hand out for her to shake, and she simply peered down at it with mock interest, a green glow surrounding his hand.

"I'm not stupid." She said simply, standing from the couch and crossing her arms.

He simply laughed before trying again, this time a little more friendly in his approach.

"My apologies, darling!" He said, his hand losing the glow.

She stared at his hand for a moment before hesitantly placing her hand in his.

When nothing happened she gave him a ghost of a smile. "Forgiven."

After he pulled his hand away he clasped them behind his back with his staff before straightening out, the menacing look returning to his eyes.

"Now, what brings a belle like yourself to my estate?!" He asked, gaze slightly hungry.

She took a couple steps away from him, and his nose wrinkled at the lack of fear in her scent.

"I'm buying it, I just spent $25,000, I'm not about to give it up so you can stake a demonic claim on it." Sera deadpanned.

Alastor's eyes narrowed and his smile widened until his gums were revealed, black like tar. His neck elongated and contorted menacingly as his body grew a concerning amount.

His antlers grew to the size of branches, his eyes blackening and the pupils forming into radio dials. He huffed, smoke blowing from his nostrils as his fists connected with the floor on either side of Sera.

Sera didn't flinch, green eyes boring into his radio dial pupils with a bored expression. Despite that, she felt a chill of fear fighting to run down her spine, knowing she could die in the next few seconds if she fails to calculate the right actions to get Alastor to back down.

"Give me one good reason not to tear you apart and feast on your flesh!" He growled, his teeth lighting up every time he spoke.

"You're a demon, I'm a human. You need energy to exist in this realm, and I have plenty to give. How long d'ya think you're going to last on teenagers hellbent to go urban exploring in New Orleans?" Sera deadpanned.

"I don't need your filthy energy, I make it myself." He growled.

She narrowed her eyes, honing into her own energy and closing it off from him. He staggered, his form shrinking slightly and his 'ears' furrowing in slight shock.

"You can keep being narcissistic or you can play nice with me, Bambi. Your choice." She purred, side-stepping his now much smaller form and heading into the kitchen.

His eyes narrowed as he watched her form retreat. He reluctantly shifted back into his normal form, smoothing out his coat and walking into the kitchen behind her.

His ears were still furrowed, body flushed with angry heat that he didn't have the upper-hand in this situation.

"How about a compromise?" He purred, standing behind her.

He placed his hands on her shoulders, only to quickly remove them as red magic zaps around the skin of his hands and shocks him painfully.

He clasps his hands behind his back, secretly rubbing the singed skin. Sera rolls her eyes before turning to face him once more.

"What type of compromise, Alastor?" She asked, tone dripping in annoyance like a bittersweet honey.

"I allow you to live here, and to stay alive." He begins, twirling his staff.

"What's the catch?" Sera asked, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"If you break or dishonor any of my items, or the house itself, I'll kill you and tear your soul apart." His grin seemed gleeful now, as if he expected Sera to slip up almost instantly if she accepted the compromise.

Sera shrugged, turning away from him again as she opened the pantry. "Fine, you can be your weird demonic self and I get to pay your rent for my life." She commented, snatching a pack of graham crackers from a shelf in the pantry before shutting the door to the pantry and heading back to the couch.

Alastor followed her once more, observing her. "Oh hey," she called out, gaining his attention.

He raised an eyebrow, red eyes meeting green.

"Can you fix that?" She asks, pointing at the splintered wood on the floor where Alastor had previously slammed his fists into.

His grin tightened and he rolled his eyes but snapped his fingers, using his magic to fix the damage.

"Thank you.~" She all but purred, going back to snacking on the crackers.

He huffed in annoyance.


892 words.

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