Night Dweller. Pt 2.

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Sera smirked as the song vibrated through her body from the speakers, she twirled around the pole and sunk down to her knees expertly with the pole between her thighs.

She sunk back, rolling her ankles as she propped her hands behind her and swung her legs around to wrap around the cold pole.

She whirled her head around, sending her elastic hair tie flinging out of her hair, letting her brown hair cascade down her back in beautiful waterfall curls. She leans forward again and grips the pole, hauling herself up into a standing position with practiced ease.

She knew she had everyone captivated.

She jumped and grabbed the pole at the same time, sending the pole into a spin and wrapping her body around the pole.

She shifts into a form of the splits before wrapping her thighs around the pole and hanging from it upside down, allowing her body to flex and shiver.

She drops from the pole and lands gracefully on her knees, crawling to the closest customer, a younger guy, it was obviously his first time in the club.

Sera leaned down more, letting her back arch and breasts press against the floor of the stage as she smirked at the guy.

She flipped onto her back and dragged her fingers from her thigh, past her stomach and chest, up her throat to squeeze lightly in a show before it drifts up the rest of the way to tug at the poor guy's tie.

She feels eyes burning into her and she looks to the side as she slowly rolls back onto her stomach and glides back onto her knees.

Alastor was watching her, his eyes digging into her. They'd lost their brown hue, and were glowing red with heat.

She flushed, her stomach twisting with butterflies before she twisted back into her performance.


After her shift, Sera pranced back towards the booth and slid in next to Alastor. The stag discreetly checked her vitals, relaxing slightly when her stutter wasn't as noticeable.

"Goddamn!" Grace yelled, leaning past Alastor to grin at the brunette.

Said brunette hadn't bothered pulling her jacket back on, simply enjoying herself while her body cooled down from the overexertion.

She chuckled at Grace's reaction, before laughing as the other boys joined in. The demon beside Sera remained quiet for a while, letting the crop top wearing girl and her friends laugh and joke about her job.

"Had me switchin' teams for a second there girly!" Jake laughed as a waitress delivered drinks.

Sera laughed, quickly downing her shot of Jack Daniels.

"I tend to have that effect on men, and women." She chuckled, leaning back into the booths cushion.

"By the way, that guy I teased during my first dance? He's gay. And inexperienced." The shorter girl commented before flagging a waitress down.

"Say what now?" The blond sputtered.

"I can read everyone in this damn room, comes in handy in this line of work." Sera laughed before ordering some food and more drinks.

"Watch, I'll get his number for ya." She laughed before sliding out of the booth.

Alastor watched in amusement as she sauntered off, making Jake flush in embarrassment and groan into his hands.

"Hey sugar," she purred, sliding next to the black haired male.

He sputtered, almost spilling his drink as he noticed who she was.

He chuckled, stuttering out a greeting to her and being respectful as to not stare at her exposed skin. The brunette's heart melted at his obvious nervousness and need to respect her.

"Listen," she whispered, leaning in closer.

"I know you don't do women. I'm just teasin' ya, but my friend over there," His brown eyes followed her pale, slender finger until his line of sight landed on her booth.

"The blond, he's single. And thinks you're cute. Whatcha say, want his number?" She asked sweetly, tone lowered so none of the other men heard.

He meekly nodded, and she excitedly gave him Jake's number before prancing back over to her booth, Jake's phone dinging not a moment later.

"You sly bitch!" Jake laughed, before quickly digging his nose into his phone to reply, small smile revealing cute little dimples in the corners of his lips.

"I'm your wingman, what else am I supposed to do?" Sera says defiantly, twirling her hand around as she talks.

Alastor chuckles.

"You're awfully quiet Alastor, you okay?" She asked quietly.

"Indeed I am, just allowing you time to unwind." He answered her, brushing some of her brown hair out of her face.

Sera smiled with a small squeak, foot tapping happily.

"You can unwind too, y'know?" She offered, and he nearly melted at how sweet she was being.

"Oho! I could just eat you up my dear." He teased, pinching her cheek gently.

She huffed and smirked. "You've already tried three times." She joked.

Alastor rolled his eyes and flipped his middle finger at her. Grace and Lewis watched, trying not to laugh at the cute banter.

Sera pretended to search her person for something, before pulling her hand in front of Alastor and brandishing her own middle finger.

"I thought that was our thing?" Alex chuckled, hoping to somewhat one-up Alastor.

Instead, it backfired.

"Sorry, that was my last fuck to give." The shorter girl shrugged, not giving in to Alex.

Pride now wounded, Alex ordered another round of shots as the waitress came over with a tray of food.

Alastor's grin widened, and he slyly placed his arm behind Sera on the booth cushion, allowing her to lean against his arm.

She wasn't stupid, he was being cocky. But she found it too funny to stop.

"Alright, if you can read everyone in here then give us readings miss know it all." Alex copped after a few minutes.

"Alright, time to hurt feelings." The brunette chuckled, cracking her fingers before leaning in close.

Alastor's grin turned lazy as he relaxed and began to enjoy this side of the performer.


999 words.

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