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The opening scene of 101 Dalmatians rolled onto the TV in the living room, Seth bouncing in his seat on the large sectional as Sera busied herself in the kitchen to make lunch for the five year old boy.

Sera finished and stretched before carrying the paper plate of warm food into the living room, smiling as Seth scrambled onto the floor to eat without messing up the cushions.

The brunette gave the five year old a gentle pat on his shoulder before she began walking away.

"Thank you, mama."

It was quiet, high pitched, probably not even meant to be heard, but the words even had Alastor pausing his reading to look over, his red gaze taking in Sera's wobbly gaze and trembling lips before she knelt once more and planted a gentle kiss to the little boy's blond head.

"You're welcome, sweetling." She muttered with a soft smile before getting up and heading back towards the kitchen with trembling hands.

Alastor felt his cold heart thump at the display, and with a quiet hum he returned to his reading, Sera's pulse clear as day in his ears.


"So you have shit to do in Hell that you've been avoiding because of me?" Sera deadpanned, hip cocked and hand resting on it with an attitude.

Alastor's eye twitched, before twitching again as he had yet another deviant thought about taming her out of that bratty attitude.

"Yes, my dear! I'm an overlord, and as such I have territory and other duties I must check up on from time to time!" He explained, and she nodded with a hum.

"So why go now?" She asked, though this time she let curiosity dip into her tone.

He twirled his staff. She was beginning to notice he did that whenever he was fidgety, almost like a nervous tick.

"Because I've come to trust you, darling." He tells her his smile bordering charming as he leans down to her height.

The brunette offers him a subtle smile before she pulls something out of her pocket and clips it into place on his coat lapel. It was a simple silver pin in the shape of an X.

Alastor cocked an eyebrow at this, his head tilt silently asking the question for him.

"First letter of my last name, Xaela. That way, you remember to return." She said sheepishly, a dull pink dusting over her cheeks and eartips.

Alastor's smile softens before he snaps something into existence, he prances behind her and she feels cool metal grace her exposed neck.

She looks down, seeing a simple sapphire necklace with an old looking metal chain.

"I thought red was your thing?" Sera asks, and Alastor chuckles.

"It is, this however was my mother's. It suits you." He mumbled, before tapping his cane once and summoning a pool of shadows.

"I'll see you later, my dear!"

The performer barely has time to wave before he's gone, and she's left with the mischievous giggles of a little boy.


Sera sat quietly on the sectional, eyes fluttering around one of Alastor's journals as she read.

Seth was curled up and asleep by her side, allowing her to sneak peeks at his adorable face every so often.

The brunette stretched and yawned as she placed the book down, fixing Seth's position so he was in her arms as she reclined on the couch and fell into a light doze with the light weight of the blond boy in her lap.

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