War Of Hearts.

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A shrill cry made Alastor jolt awake.

It was three in the morning, Sera had gone to bed early the night before after having a medical episode, and currently it sounded like it was her who had cried out. Or had he dreamt it?

His red eyes blinked, fog clearing his mind.

How long had he been asleep? When did he pass out?

"Al..?" Sera's voice was trembling, and her cheeks were soaked with tears, eyes red and puffy.

The stag's ears furrowed and his smile strained at the sight, before he patted the cushion beside him on the couch. "I'm here darling, come here."

Her feet padded barefoot against the aged hardwood floor as she approached and then curled up on the couch, fingers shyly reaching for Alastor's sleeve.

Instead the demon pulled her into his side and adjusted his position so she could drape her legs over his if she pleased. Flashes of a fuzzy environment crossed his mind, and he held the brunette just a little tighter.

It wasn't a vision this time, or a memory, just a nightmare.

"Do you wish to talk about it dear?" Alastor asked, red hair bouncing slightly as he tilted his head.

Sera shook her head, simply resting her head on his shoulder.

The stag hummed an okay, before his glowing gaze was torn from the wall to register a growing bruise on her left shin. He made a mental note to heal it after she got more rest.

Slowly, his vision became hazy as she began to use the bond they shared to show him her nightmare, and the stag lowered the mental wall he had built so he could see it in earnest.

His undead heart tugged.

"My dear, you're all shaken up because of this..?" He asked quietly.

Sera nodded, sniffling and fighting back tears as she curled into him and buried her face into his neck, grasping his red button up in her slim fingers to ground herself as she continued showing him what she remembered of the nightmare.

Alastor pulled her away gently, his claws capturing the brunettes wrists and pulling her hands to his cheeks. Her palms we clammy, but the stag disregarded it as touching his face seemed to clear her metal fog just the slightest bit.

The glow of his crimson eyes ebbed slightly, becoming soft as the demon gazed at his human with care.

"I am alright, you are alright, Seth is alright, Kory is dead, and Dan is nowhere near us." Alastor mumbled, both of them registering the patter of rain against the windows.

Her hands glided into his hair, twirling around the fluffy locks of red and black as her green eyes lost the haze of sleep. Finally, she took a deep, trembling breath in realization.

The demon scooped her legs up gently, lifting her momentarily as he lifted his own lanky limbs onto the couch and allowed his back to rest against the arm rest before he situated her so that she was situated on her side between him and the back of the couch.

One of Sera's legs hooked over his knee as she peered up at him quietly, one of her hands covering her side while the other rested on his chest.

"Relax darling, it takes allot to kill me." Alastor chuckles, grin wobbly.

"It still.." She trailed off.

He tilted his head, claws gently gliding over her cheek as a sign for her to continue talking.

"Scared me." She finished, looking away from him with heat spreading across her cheeks and nose.

Alastor's hand forces her to face him once more, his forehead connecting with hers as his smile became soft.

"Serafina, my darling little doe, you're truly something else." The stag whispered, capturing her chin with his thumb and index finger.

For the briefest moment Sera is reminded of Dakoda, and the way the ginger used to grab her. But this was different, this was gentle. And Alastor's eyes didn't glare at her with distaste or hatrid, they shone like a little star full of adoration and passion, and for a moment Sera wondered if this was what had compelled Lilith to fall with Lucifer.

Had he peered at her with the same look? Turned her into mush just with a look into his eyes? Had his dreams compelled the first woman to stick by his side, or was it this lovesick gaze that pulled her in and tied her soul to his? The same one the Radio Demon seemed to be searing metaphorical chains into her soul with?

Did Lilith radiate from the passion in Lucifer's eyes, the same way Sera felt she was glowing from Alastor's blood red ones?

Shocks danced up her spine as Alastor's smile closed, and his lips pressed into her's. Sera's green eyes widened before fluttering closed as she returned the kiss and pressed into him, the hand on his chest curling up behind his neck to pull him closer and his arms wrapped around her back, one hand tangling into her wavy brown hair.

Surely, this was reason enough for a fall from grace.

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