Bad Day "I Love You"'s.

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Sera woke up to her pillowcase being wet. She sat up and sniffed, almost choking as her nose burned and something warm trickled down the back of her throat as she did.

She raised a hand and wiped at her face, her hand coming back with blood and a raging migraine beating her skull like Dan used to.

She threw the blankets off of her and left her room in her sports bra and pajama shorts, quickly bolting downstairs and into the half-bathroom that contained her first aid supplies.

Alastor heard the bathroom door slam shut from his place in the dining room, and phased through the shadows to make it to the bathroom in record time.

He stood outside of the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Are you alright darling?" He pried, straining his furry ears to hear whether she was alright or in distress.

The brunette opened the door to reveal her cleaning blood off of her nose, only for more to pile-drive out of her nose again.

"I'm fine Al, just a nosebleed." She offered a small smile behind the tissue she held to her nostrils.

The stag's brows furrowed and he stepped into the room, having to duck to get through the doorway.

"Cher this isn't from an iron deficiency, is it?" He asked, his grin small and almost insignificant on his lips as he used his magic to stop the nosebleed.

She wrought her lower lip between her pearly whites, emerald gaze attempting to avoid his crimson one. Finally, she shook her head no.

"Monique knows, but why don't I?"


Alastor spent the rest of the morning doing everything he possibly could for Sera.

Her pulse was weaker this day, and fluttered near constantly, meaning Alastor mentally fretted every time it would do so and nearly dropped a bowl of food when her heart quite literally skipped a few beats.

He settled next to her on the couch and shifted the blanket around her shoulders before handing her the bowl of food.

The smile Alastor was met with made his heart melt just a little bit, and he leaned over to kiss her forehead, quickly shoving down the urge to trail the kiss to her lips.

Sera scooped some food up and took a bite, relishing in the taste of the stag's cooking as she chewed.

He eyed one of his journals on her end table and smirked, red eyes narrowing into teasing pinpricks as he eyed her.

The brunette met his gaze questioningly as she took another bite of her food.

"You read my journals?" The Demon asked, and she flushed but nodded.

She swallowed before speaking. "Why do you think I don't call you a virgin or tease you like that despite you acting completely clueless sometimes?" She asked, her lips quirking slightly.

He rolled his eyes before ducking lower to kiss her reddened cheek. "Because you like having a life."

"Meh, I'd see you in Hell eventually." Sera scoffed, setting her empty bowl on the coffee table and then shifted to face him, her left leg stretched out and her sock-clad foot pressing gently against his thigh.

"Perhaps," He hummed thoughtfully.

"So then why don't you tease me like you tease Grace? Granted she seems like she knows what she's talking about." He commented, and Sera snorted.

"Grace is demisexual, I joke because I can get away with it." Sera chuckled.

"Demi-what?" Alastor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Demisexual. She has to have a romantic connection to a person in order for sexual desires to arise."

The stag blinks like a frog, slowly taking in his human's wording. He then nodded once he finally took in the information.

"Christ on a stick things are so much more complicated now than they were in the twenties." He gruffed, making Sera laugh.

"Okay grandpa." She teased, only to squeal when he tackled and began to tickle her.

"Grandpa huh?" He laughed, tickling her mercilessly.

"Mercy! Mercy!" She wheezed, hands harmlessly clawing at his forearms which were covered by his button up.

"Nope! You called me grandpa knowing you're nearly my age." He griped,

"Okay okay!" She laughed. "I'm sorry!"

Alastor ceased his tickling, instead choosing to plop down on her and put them in a compromising position with his face buried in her neck and his hips situated between her legs.

His clawed hand glides up her arm until it reaches her hand where he intertwined their hands together and rubbed his thumb across her skin, purring at how soft it was.

The stag pressed a kiss to her jugular as a way to satiate his urge to bite down, making a shiver crawl down the brunettes spine.

Sera brings Alastor's hand to her lips and kisses from his claw-tips to the bone connecting his hand to his wrist, nipping at the skin playfully before letting their hands lay on the couch again.

"You're evil." He grunts, kissing her throat in small measured pecks.

"You love me." She purred, her other hand tangling in his fuscia locks and tugging his face away from her neck.

She proceeds to cup his cheek and press their noses together with her eyes closed as a heart flutter leaves her momentarily breathless.

The stag's eyes softened, and once she catches her breath again he swoops in quickly and claims her lips in a gentle kiss. She responds in kind, her hand gliding from his cheek to the nape of his neck which was surprisingly warm.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

"I don't love you, because the word 'love' alone could never describe how I hold you in my heart and mind." Alastor mumbled, his free hand caressing her cheek.

"Try." She demanded, her eyes lighting up with adoration and a teasing lilt.

He hummed, lifting her so her back was pressed against the back of the couch, one hand securing her legs around his waist, the other clutched the back of the couch while her arms went around his neck.

The stag pressed a kiss to her cheek near her ear. "I admire you," he muttered, his nose dragging to her jaw where he pressed two more kisses, his grin looking satisfied at how her skin heated beneath his ministrations.

"I cherish you." He whispered against her ear.

"I adore you." Another kiss to her jaw.

A flustered squeak rips from her lips as he nips at her throat before kissing the spot. "I will devote myself to you, just say the word." He husked, his breath hot against her throat.

"Saying 'I love you' will never be enough for me, I'd burn the world and turn Hell into an icy landscape for you, to find you, to show you how hot my passion for you burns within my soul." A kiss to her collarbone, his hand squeezing her thigh to keep him from losing himself despite how wobbly his grin had become.

"But if it's what you wish to hear, then yes, my pretty little mate, I fucking love you." With that her hands hook onto his jaw and she pulls him into a deep kiss.

His eyes take in her heated appearance before sliding closed as he kissed back just as deeply.

"I love you." She whispered against his lips, but she didn't need to voice it. Her emotions and feelings towards him had poured through the bond, supercharging his soul as his claws dipped into the couch with faint tearing sounds.

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