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"Alastor, I'm home!" Sera called out, tossing her keys onto the hook by the front door.

When she received no answer she stepped into the living room, finding no sign of the flashy dressed demon. She hummed absentmindedly, thinking he might've been in Hell for the day, or had actually fallen asleep for the first time since she'd met him seeing as it was early morning.

She stopped short of the couch, seeing Seth curled up and passed out on it. He had dark bruises on his collarbones, which poked out of an oversized black T-shirt.

Sera rubbed his head lovingly before draping a blanket over his translucent form. "Sweet dreams, sweetling." She muttered.

She quietly traveled up the stairs, unzipping her large brown jacket as she walked towards her bedroom. She nudged the door open, only to freeze as the room in front of her shifts from her bedroom into the living room of a home that wasn't her own.

A man was leaned over a couch, blood soaking the sleeves of his white button up. Sera tilted her head as she observed him and his actions, finding him to be acting odd.

"Daddy?" A small voice pipes up, both Sera and the man turning to see Seth standing in the doorway to a closet.

"Fuckin' brat." The man growled, stalking towards Seth.

Sera stares in shock at the couch, seeing a woman laying on it with an axe blade sticking out of her face. She wasn't breathing, telling Sera she was dead.

She's brought out of her shock when a loud thud is heard, and she turns her head to see the man on top of Seth, hitting the poor boy repeatedly.

"Stop!!" Sera yells, but finds that her words fall on deaf ears.

The man kept hitting him, allowing Sera to hear several painstaking cracks each time his fist connected with Seth's body.

Neither Sera nor the man hear the door to the small home open, but they surely hear the voice of the demon haunting Sera's home. Just without the radio filter.

"Henry my friend! I trust you have a good excuse fo-" he's cut off by the scene in front of him, giving Sera a brief moment to assess Alastor's appearance.

He was maybe a foot shorter than his normal demon form, skin a very pale carmel color, giving her the impression he was of mixed races.

His white teeth were exposed in a wide grin, his chocolate colored eyes were covered by glasses and wide in surprise before narrowing once they settled on 'Henry'

He swiped his fluffy brown hair out of his face and rolled the sleeves of his white button up to his elbows. His brown waist coat was hung on a hook by the front door, matching brown suspenders clipped to his black trousers and dark brown dress shoes adorning his feet and making a 'click' noise every time he took a step.

Alastor's footsteps were slow and calculated as he approached Henry, who had stopped beating Seth to watch Alastor carefully.

But it was no use.

Alastor gripped the nape of Henry's neck and threw him off of the boy, Sera kneeled down to check Seth's pulse as Alastor advanced on Henry.

"Give me one good reason not to incapacitate you and take you to my basement. Now." Alastor growled at Henry, tilting his head as his grin became increasingly twisted.

Henry mumbled something Sera couldn't hear, making Alastor laugh maniacally.

Seth's pulse was weak, and slowing by the minute. She hears a thud, and sees Henry laying on the ground with a bloodied head.

Alastor approaches and scoops Seth into his arms, before he left the home through the back door, and Sera's vision becomes clouded, beginning to go black.


Sera wakes up to something prodding her shoulder, stiff back and aching limbs paired with the cold of the hardwood flooring telling her she was on the floor. She swats at the object prodding her, but it persists and instead whacks her in the head.

She cracks her green eyes open, looking up and seeing Alastor. He was prodding her with the end of his staff, a lazy grin stretched across his face as he peered down at her with narrow eyes.

"My dear, what ever are you doing on the floor?" He asked, politely offering her a hand to help her up.

Sera huffed, taking his hand and allowing him to hoist her up onto her feet. "I passed out." She said simply.

He hummed, letting her hand go.

"I'll leave you to get ready for the day my dear, and do remember you have a bed." He chastised, laughing gleefully at the jab before turning and heading down the stairs with his hands clasped behind his back, staff in hand.


804 words.

Bite Me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora