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Alastor's eyes trailed Sera's form as she stressed over cleaning the house, making sure the basement door was locked, Henry and Seth nowhere to be found.

The demon was sat in a chair in the living room, claws clanking together as he tapped them against the wooden arm. Finally, he rolled his eyes and stood, summoning his staff and twirling it a time or two before approaching her and settling a hand on her shoulder.

Only to pull back as red sparks seared his skin.

"Fucking Hell Alastor, warn me." She huffed, pausing long enough to grab his hand and inspect it for burns.

He let out a boisterous laugh at that, patting her head after she was satisfied. "Careful my dear, it looked like you cared for a second." He teased, grin turning into a sly smirk.

She snorted and rolled her eyes, giving him the middle finger. "Kill yourself." She huffed with a laugh.

"I cannot sweetheart, I don't have an angel blade." Alastor joked, leaning on his staff.

Sera rolled her eyes before slyly nudging his staff with the toe of her shoe, causing the thin end of it to slide against the wet floor and send him tumbling to the ground.

Alastor's maroon eyes darkened for a moment before he forced himself to let it go, his ears pinning back against his head as she offers and hand to help him up.

"I'm sorry Alastor." She offers, smile sweet and apologetic despite the way she giggled at his fall a few moments ago.

His ears flatten further against his head and his smile is wobbly as he takes in her expression and her words, before he fronts with that same confidence as he accepts her waiting hand.

Once he's standing he dusts his pants and waist coat off before grinning down at Sera. "If you're stressing about the house being clean, may I remind you we have Henry on hand and I have magic that can assist you if you ask nicely my dear."

She huffs and deflates. "I want Henry gone while my mother is here." She says, and Alastor is sure that if she were a demon her eyes would have become catish slits.

Alastor hums, twirling his staff before tapping it against the floor once. "Consider it done, my dear!" He laughed boisterously.

She tilted her head and raised a brow at him.

"What of Seth, my dear?" Alastor asked her, grin unwavering.

"I'll have him stay in my room, there's bound to be arguments and I don't want him hearing them." Sera said, half thinking out loud as she picked the mop back up.

Alastor took the mop from her, green magic making the object disappear along with the mop bucket before he snapped and suddenly the house was spotless, certain breakable objects disappearing from shelves and end tables.

Sera's eyes widen in awe at the display, before she bounces happily around the demon. His eyes follow her form in amusement before he gently grasps her upper arm after the third time she hopped around him to stop her.

She beams up at him, before realizing he's a demon and she's a human and she regains her composure. "Sorry." She says, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Nonsense my dear, go on and get ready, I'll start supper!" Alastor chirps and Sera nods before bolting up the stairs.


Sera huffed as she looked in the full body mirror in her room.

She wore a dark red button up with the first two buttons undone, exposing a choker that hugged her throat snugly, a black skirt that ended at the middle of her thighs and a pair of black knee-high socks being held up by suspender clasps.

She growled before tossing her hair into a carefully styled ponytail with a couple strands of fringe framing her face. She applied eyeliner, just barely able to finish applying it in her normal catseye style before a knock sounded at the front door.

Seth poofed into the room, and she smiled at him before offering him the password to her laptop so he could watch cartoons while she was busy. Alastor had previously sound proofed the room.

She stepped out of the room and shut the door, deflating as another knock sounded.

"Let the shit show begin." She muttered.

The door opened to reveal a woman around the same height as Sera with strawberry blonde hair the was greying at the roots. She wore a dark green dress with a belt hugging her waist, a black waist coat over the dress with the buttons undone.

Sera steps to the side, opening the door wider to let the woman inside.

"Hello mother." Sera greeted, posture stiff.

The woman whacks Sera's arm, tone harsh as she addressed the brunette. "Fix your posture, I didn't raise you to slouch like a street rat, Augustina." The woman demanded.

Sera grunted but fixed her posture.

She took the woman's coat and hung it next to the door on the coat hook before guiding her towards the kitchen.

"Starting to think I should've raised you better, the decor in this place is really lacking." The elder woman jabbed, but Sera simply chuckled, leaning closer to the woman.

"I didn't decorate it." Sera breathed, enthralled with the look of worry that crossed the strawberry blonde's brown gaze.

The woman simply huffed, and they rounded the corner that brought them into the kitchen; Alastor stood inside finishing up the meal in his human form.

He wore a simple black button up with a breast pocket on the left, and brown denim slacks. His glasses slightly lowered on the bridge of his nose.

His caramel skin glistened from the heat of the kitchen, likely having cooked the entire meal from scratch while Sera had cleaned herself up.

"Temperance Wilson, pleasure to meet you." The elder woman introduced, a small flush meeting her pale skin as she took in Alastor's appearance.

She was obviously enamored by Alastor, and at the moment Sera didn't blame her. Alastor introduced himself to Temperance, like he usually did just less boisterously.

But the entire time his amber orbs were locked on Sera.

They traveled her form from head to toe and then back to her head, lingering on the metal clasps that laid against her thighs to hold her socks up. Bruises peeked from under the cotton garments, most likely her iron deficiency.

Alastor cleared his throat to attempt to ease the apparent tension between him and Sera, only for it to replace itself once more.

The brunette smiled softly at him as both women entered further into the kitchen.

His grin softened at her own smile, only to become wobbly and have red dust his cheeks and ear tips as she reaches up and pushes his glasses up his nose. "Don't want them to break, Al." She muttered, and he nodded greatfully.

"Thank you, my dear."


1,150 words.

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