Touch The Light, Sweetling.

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Alastor froze where he stood as he teleported from Hell back to the house he inhabited with his brunette witch. She sat on the floor, threading a stretchy cord through beads that Seth had picked out. A beaded necklace hung from her neck, and a flower crown sat on Seth's blond head.

Seth giggled at something Sera whispered, and she tied the cord before slipping the bracelet onto Seth's wrist.

Alastor's ears twitched and furrowed for a second before they perked back up and he approached, sitting next to the brunette and laying his staff in between them.

Sera brightened even more and leaned up to press a quick kiss to Alastor's cheek, surprising herself as she did so.

The stag chuckled before picking at Seth playfully as a greeting before he settled with watching the two. He noticed Seth's bracelet, it had green and red beads with more red than green, and in black and white letter beads.

Alastor wasn't daft. It was hard for Sera to admit feelings like love for other people, which was why he beamed with pride that she took his seemingly new affections for her in stride and even returned her own.

"You wanna make one?" Sera asked, peeking up at Alastor from behind her curtain of bangs.

The demon flushed lightly, clicking his claws together and fixing his sleeves while mulling it over. He shrugged with a slightly clueless look in his crimson orbs.

"Pick out some beads, I'll arrange them on the cord and tie it." Sera instructed gently, hand grazing his knee.

The stag's right ear twitched at her words as a sign of acknowledgement before he did so, picking out red and gold beads, and some lettered ones as well.

Sera threads them onto the cord and ties it, and Seth beams at them. Alastor ruffles his hair before standing to head towards the kitchen. "Where are you goin'?" The brunette asked, green eyes scrambling to keep him in her line of sight.

"To cook my dear, you both must be famished!" He said, grin large.

A small hum of static had her glancing down at her side, seeing Alastor's staff still settled on the ground next to her. She experimentally pokes it on the tip of the deer ear-shaped microphone, and the red eyes blinks open in response.

Sera jolts, snapping her hand away as it blinks at her. "Holy-" She stutters.

The brunette shyly waves at it, and the eye brightens, a yellow glow beginning to become noticeable.

Alastor's head pops out of the kitchen for a second. "It talks you know." He says, and she turns to see a smug smile on his face, three yellow fangs protruding from his lips.

She flips him off.

"You would."

Both of them flush and stare at the microphone with a baffled expression.

"Did it just..?" Sera asked, tilting her head.

"Yes." Alastor coughed, quickly disappearing back into the kitchen to avoid further discussion of the pesky staff.


"Mama?" Seth piped up, easily getting Sera's attention.

"Sweetling, what are you doing awake at this time?" The brunette asked, the clock on her desk reading 23:37 as she peered at it.

"I see light."

Her stomach dropped. Alastor was in Hell taking care of some affairs, and she had no way of contacting him. Eyes glassy, she bit her tongue before picking Seth up and cradling him in her arms, pecking his forehead lovingly as she began to rock him slowly.

"It's okay sweetling, you can touch it." Sera whispers, watching as his eyes widen and he reaches out, tiny hands pressing against her face.

The blond boy grins happily at her, bruises lining his body and face and blood pooling down his nose and lips as he takes the appearance of what he looked like when he died.

A tear slips down the brunette's cheek as Seth's skin begins to glitter like stars and then evaporate.

"I'll see you again.. right Mama?" Seth asked, voice echoing slightly.

Sera didn't have the heart to tell him no, to tell him that the woman he looked up to as an adoptive mother was a crazed woman who massacred predatory men, to tell him she'd sinned way too much to ever hope to join him in the pearly white of Heaven.

"Yes little one.. of course."


It's well into four in the morning by the time Alastor's form takes shape in the living room, and he slid his oddly muddy shoes off of his hooved feet. He freezes in place as he realizes Sera is curled up on the couch with her knees to her chest. A soft whimper tells him she's crying, and hasn't yet noticed his presence.

"Darling..?" He called out, taking a few steps towards her.

The brunette's head shoots up and she quickly wipes her tears and clambers off the couch. Alastor opens his arms readily, barely moving an inch when she throws herself into his arms and begins crying again.

He holds her close, rocking on his feet slightly as she cries.

"What happened darling..?" The stag asked, lifting her into his arms and wrapping her legs around him as he made his way to the couch and sat down on it with her in his lap.

"S-Seth.. he.." She whimpered, choking up with emotion.

"What about Seth darling?" Alastor asked, wiping her tears away.

"He's gone.."

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