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"Go now Y/n, Follow your heart" tears keep on falling from my eyes. I turned my head and saw Taehyung, his eyes also filled with tears.

"It's not alone his own fault Y/n, from the beginning you both didn't trust each other and you have lots of misunderstandings, so go now and save your love" I nodded my head hearing his words.

"I am sorry Tae" smiling I walked out of the house.

While walking outside, "Hana what are you doing here? and how do you know I am here?" hearing her name I haulted my steps.

"I asked your secretary, tell me what are you doing here Jungkook?"

"Don't tell me you came here to see that bitch" hearing her words, I started burning in anger.

"Hana, how can you do this to me? how can you lied to her that you are pregnant with my child? I thought you as my friend, why? Why did you do that? and she left me because of you and you acts like you don't know anything" she started laughing like maniac while clapping her hands.

"Friend, am I just a friend to you Jungkook? Jungkook we have been with eachother for 5 years still it's hard for you to find my feelings towards you? Ever you cared about me Jungkook? Ever you valued my feelings? Ever you think about me just a single second instead of her? Y/n, I don't know what she got that, that you are possessed by her"

"I should've killed her that day..." Jungkook slapped her hard.

"If you want talk about me, I'll ensure everything but if any word left from your mouth against her I'll kill you dammit" I can see Hana burning with anger and left from here.

Then I see Jungkook walking towards the car and opened the door, "Jungkook.." I called him.

Turning his head he looks towards me, "Can you take us with you?" I asked him looking at my baby bump.

He run towards me and hugged me tightly. Tears dripping down from his eyes. He kissed me all over my face.
"I missed you"

"I missed you too Jungkook" saying I hugged him tightly, slightly caressing his hair.

" So it's mine" he asked me caressing my baby bump. I nodded my head, "I am sorry, without knowing what I've told you"

"It's fine Jungkook, let's forget about everything, huh" he nodded his head.

"Ahh, my legs are paining. Let's go inside" he carried me like bridal style and walking inside, he helped to sit on the couch.

"Taehyung can you forgive me, I shouldn't talked to you like that"

"It's fine but if you didn't came today, i should've married her"

" No, she is mine" seating beside me, he hugged me tightly and we burst into laughing.

I lay on bed next to him and his strong, muscular arms wrapped around my waist slightly caressing my baby bump.

" You know Y/n, I fell in love with you at first sight" my eyes widened realizing his statement. I looked at his face, our eyes collided, he started caressing my cheeks pecking my lips.

I thought my love towards him was one sided but no, it's mutual. Even he is the one who started loving me first. Now I understand why he reacts like that towards Jimin.

"Y/n many things I kept all by myself, I was lost but didn't leave any chance to chace you, I am sorry what I did was really wrong, at some point of time it felt like I wanted to give up on anything but not you. Please let's start everything from the beginning, let's trust eachother, it hurts when I am away from you so please " tears falling from his eyes, my hand on its way to wipe it off.

Smiling I nodded my eyes, "I am sorry too Jungkook and yes let's start everything from the beginning"

NEVER MINE [JJK×READER]✅(COMPLETED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum