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It's been a month since Y/n left Jungkook and in these days he is not in his right mind

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It's been a month since Y/n left Jungkook and in these days he is not in his right mind. He is drunken all the time. I don't know why it's so hard for him to forget about Y/n.

Grabbing a whiskey bottle from his hand, " When will you stop drinking?" he didn't say anything, his eyes filled with tears, " Hana give it back to me" saying he tried to take the bottle from me.

"How long Jungkook, for how long you are going stay like this?" My tears are on edge to fall down. "Until she come back to me" grabbing the bottle from my hand, he gulped down.

I am worried, I am really worried. I don't know what I can do now. I never believed in love at first sight before until I saw him.

I still remember our first meet in US, we both Joined at the same University and we both studied same Course.

It was my first day at University, clutching my bag tightly I ran towards the classroom, I am late, I need to hurry up. Suddenly I bumped into someone, he pulled me by my waist prevent me falling on the ground.

I looked at the person, I don't know who is he but he looks so Hot and Handsome and from that moment I started loving him and that person is none other than Jungkook.

After I get to know that we both are in the same class, I internally smiles looking at him, taking a secret glancing from him but I always find him alone, it's like he likes to be alone. I never seen a single smile from his face and I get to know he is struggling with something.

Day by day i became his friend, close friend and one day he shared me about Y/n. I don't know but getting to know he loves her, it made me feel irritated.

I offered my everything, my time, my soul and my body just for him to forget about Y/n. I almost manipulated him saying the photos which were send by zara. I don't know anything about zara and I don't know whether the photos are real or not but once he told me about the photos and its clearly captured in my mind so using the photos I started manipulated him and its actually Works his love towards her became hatred.

Everything was fine in that 5 years until he wants to return back to Seoul. I don't know what suddenly got him that he asked me to come with him and he wants me to help getting Y/n back. I was shattered, my heart broken. How can he ask me this? After all this.

Yes, that day he proposed me infront of Y/n, that was a act planned by him to get her attention and to get to know about her feelings. Even though I never liked this idea but I helped him, just for him.

And about the marriage, it's also his plan. He told me that he wants to marry her and told me to go back to US. Not even a single time, did he think how I felt that time. He don't have time to think about me, how can he? When Y/n possessed him, thinking about those things a lone tear escaped from my eyes.

"Then what about my heart? Jungkook"

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