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It is Monday morning, cold Breeze slowly hitting on my face through my balcony while I getting ready for my work.

"Y/n, if you got ready come and have your Breakfast" My mom yelled from the kitchen, "yeah mom give me five more minutes, I almost Finished ".Taking my bag, I came downstairs to have my Breakfast.

I started having my breakfast,"Y/n, can you come early today ?"My mom asks me,"yeah I'll but why Mom? " I asked her only to get her nervousness.

"Y/n dear, I actually forgot to tell you that, Yesterday Mrs.Jeon, Jungkook's mom called me"hearing their names my eyes got bewildered, my heart beating fast.

"Mom, Mrs.Jeon why she called you after these years?" Mrs. Jeon, she is not only Jungkook's Mother but my mom's bestfriend.

"She told me that, they are returning here today and moreover she wants to meet us" mom doesn't know what happened between me and Jungkook, I didn't told her anything because I don't want to make her worry about me so she still thinks that we are good friends.

"Sorry Mom, just now I remembered that  after the surgeries I have a important meeting with our hospital Chairman, so please mom, I can't come with you today". I lied I don't want to go there and I don't want to see them. She nodded her head agreeing with me and I gave her a quick hug and left for my work.

Taking my car, I left my house. After he left from seoul, I least expected him to call me but he didn't instead he changed his mobile number. In these five years, lots of things happened in my life, my father left us, our company went bankrupt, Jimin and Taehyung all left for their higher studies.

If my mon and Mingyu was not here to take of me then I would have died. Thinking about what happened in these years my eyes started streaming with tears.

"A broken heart is worst nobody
can see it but the pain is
Unbearable when I breath"

But if you ask me, whether I still love Jungkook or not? I don't have any answer for that but maybe thats also a reason for me to avoid the meeting with him. In these five years, yes I tried a lot to forgot about him but did it worked? I don't know. Even though i was lived in hell but not a single day i left for sleep without thinking about him but did he think about me atleast a single second? I don't know. Did he have a girlfriend?  I don't know. I don't know anything and I don't want to know but all I know is I need to stay away from him.

After the work ends, my phone started ringing, taking my phone out I looked for the one who called me, it's Mingyu. Without thinking anything, I picked his call, "Hey, Y/n if your work ends care to meet me?" he asked me, "Wow Mingyu, when did you started asking for my permission?" I questioned him, I can hear his laughing from here, "So let's meet at the cafe where we usually meet" he voiced out, "Ok, I'll be there" saying I disconnects the call.

Within half an hour, I reached the cafe where me and Mingyu usually goes. when I went inside, I can see Mingyu already seated there, I went and seat before him.

Seeing at me, he glances turns towards me, "You came, how was your day?" he asks me, nodded my head, "As usual".
Then he ordered some drinks and pastries.

After the food arrives, we both started eating while talking and laughing

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After the food arrives, we both started eating while talking and laughing. "Mingyu, and.." I cut off my words when I can see Mingyu's glance struck behind me. I shook him with my hands and turning his head, his eyes met mine, "Mingyu, what happened?" I asked him while turning my head back but he stopped me by, "Here, taste this, it's amazing" he shows me a spoon full of pastry and extended it to my mouth, opening my mouth I ate that, "Yes, it tastes amazing" I says and he smiles looking at me but I can see some nervousness with him. Is this just my illusion? While sipping on the drink, some dripped on my dress, "oh shit" mingyu panicked and gave me his handkerchief. I tried to wipe it out, but the stain is still there.

I got up from my seat and takes a step, "Y/n, where you going?" he stopped me holding my hand. "Mingyu, I am going to the washroom, I need to take this stains out" saying I slowly removed his hand from me. While walking towards the washroom, I suddenly bumped into someone, "Oh, I am so sorry" I bowed my head and looks at the one who i hits, my eyes widened realizing who is that,

NEVER MINE [JJK×READER]✅(COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora