We are so sorry- meredith and Addison

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Description- y/n was in a relationship with Mer and Addie but ended things when they stopped coming home at night, opting to stay at the hospital and work. She couldn't handle being alone at home while she knew her girlfriends were together all the time and she was alone but four weeks after she broke up with them she found out she was pregnant but chose to keep it to herself and be a single mom. One day she gets rushed to the hospital after fainting at work and her coworkers being worried for her and the baby. What happens when Meredith and Addison find out.

Meredith G!P
Y/n's pov-

I'm 5 months pregnant and I found out two months ago, so turns out I was already two months pregnant when I broke up with Addie and Mer.

But I knew if I told them they would beg to get back together and things would go back to how they were but instead of me being alone I would be alone looking after a baby.

So I decided if I'm gonna be alone raising a kid anyway might as well do it single so I know I'm not being left out of anything.

I'm currently at work, I'm a teacher and I work closely with 5-6 year olds and I love my job.

As I sat rubbing my bump in my classroom while the kids done their work, I couldn't help but wish I was going home to them.

Ofcourse I still love them, I never stopped but I just felt so alone and I couldn't take it anymore.

One of the kids called me over so I slipped out of my desk chair and walked over to them but the next thing I know I'm getting really dizzy and everything is black.


I slowly wake up and look around, noticing I'm no longer at work but in the er of where my exes work.

I looked around panicked making sure they weren't there or any of their surgeon friends that I've met a lot.

I quickly called a nurse over when I noticed the coast was clear.

"Hey, is everything okay? The doctor will be down to check on you and the baby soon" she smiled at me as she checked my stats.

"Im fine, I need to leave like now. This isn't my hospital all my doctors that know about me and my baby are at Seattle Presbyterian" I told her as I sat up and looked at her pleadingly. "Please just take the wires out then I'll sign myself out."

"Ma'am, I understand that you would feel more comfortable there but can't you just wait for the doctor to come check your baby out before you leave? You had a pretty nasty fall when you fainted."

"Look I'm begging you please, please get these wires out of me and I'll go straight to the other hospital." I begged again, I really can't cope with this all right now.

"Okay, let me go get an intern to unhook you while I get the discharge paperwork that says your leaving against medical recommendation." She nods before walking off.

I sigh in relief and lean down a little so if any of their friends come into the er they won't be able to see me straight away giving me time to hide my face or something.

"Right, I'm dr kepner! I'm hear to disconnect you from the machines but first I need to make sure you are leaving against medical- y/n?" April said making me groan and look at her.

"I understand now please unhook me and let me go." I pushed my arm up so she would do just that before looking around. "You can't tell them I was here because one it's none of your or their business and two it breaks hippa."

Thank god I heard Addie and Mer whine about hippa a lot so I knew what it was and I can use it right now.

"Y/n- it's their baby isn't it? They have a right to know." She sighed as she unhooked me and handed me the papers for me to sign.

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