Hi- callie torres

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(You and Callie have hers and Arizona's story line so you have Sofia and are missing a leg. You are also Meredith's twin. You specialized in peds then neonatal. You also never moved on or dated anyone nor did you cheat, but the reason you split the first time was because you were getting worse with your mental health so you decided it was best for you all if you took a break and then you got back together.)

Callie moved to New York with Sofia but Sofia quickly moved back to live with y/n after missing her friends and her momma. One day Callie turns up.

Y/n's pov-

"Momma! Auntie mer and zozo are here!" My eight year old called from downstairs while I finished reading over one of my cases.

I have a surgery scheduled for in two hours time so Meredith offered to take Sofia with her and her kids to the beach.

"Coming sweetheart, make sure you have everything ready." I called back to her before going downstairs and to the front door.

Sure enough, Meredith was waiting in her car but she wasn't alone.

A woman I knew too was talking to Meredith through the car window.

"Hey sof? Why don't you go pick a snack for you and your cousins to share." I asked her before going over to the car shutting the front door behind me.

"Hey zozo." I smiled when my niece came running out the car and into my arms.

"What are you doing here Callie? Did I forget a visit or something?" I asked, confused.

What if I forgot that Sofia had a visit with callie and I haven't packed anything.

"No actually I wanted to talk to you." She said with the smile I missed so much.

"Um okay, I have two hours before I have to leave for the hospital." I replied, looking at Meredith worried.

What if she tries to take Sofia off me again, she can't though, I have custody but what if she takes me back to court.

I can't lose my kid again.

"Mommy!" Sofia screamed as she ran over to Callie, throwing herself into her mothers arms.

"Hey Sofia, I missed you baby." Callie smiled and held Sofia as close as she could. "But I'll see you later, it's time for you and zozo to get settled in the car so you all can have a fun day at the beach."

We got both eight year olds settled in the car before waving them off.

I led Callie into the house and into the living room.

"I love this picture, you have it hanging up?" Callie asked, pulling my attention to the picture I have of me, callie and mark from when Sofia was brought home.

"It's all of sofias parents, she deserves to see pictures of all of us together and happy." I shrugged before sitting down, she followed my actions and sat next to me. "She deserves to know that she is and always was deeply loved by all her parents."

She began to nervously play with her fingers, she used to do that all the time when she was worried or scared of something.

I remember that she used to get like that before a big surgery and I would have to calm her down by laying on her.

"What's up Callie?" I asked gently, taking her hands into mine so she stopped.

We may of got divorced but i still cared for her and I'll never admit it but I'm still In love with her.

I was trying to move on but I just can't.

"I broke up with Penny." She Blurts out after a moment of silence.

"What?" I asked confused, she came all the way from New York to tell me she broke up with the woman who made her break off our marriage for a second time?

We were together all the way throughout my fellowship but after Derek's death she started to become distant then one day she came home and told me she had found someone and wanted to end it with me before she done anything because it wasn't fair, it really wasn't because at the time we were looking into finally having another baby.

"I broke up with Penny, I realised I wasn't in love with her." Callie sighed as she looked down at our hands. "I then started therapy to try understand everything that had happened and why. I realised that I am still madly in love with you but i distanced myself after Derek died because I was scared of losing you and all the feelings that I felt during the plane crash came back and I didn't want the pain of losing you so I ran."

I just stared at her in shock, not really knowing how to respond or even feel at her confession.

"Say something." She begged when I was quiet for too long.

"I don't know want me to say Callie." I sighed as I looked down at our hands as well. "You ended our marriage just as we started to get back to normal, I was finished my fellowship and settled into being the head of neonatal surgery, when we were planning to finally have a baby!"

"I know and what I did was horrible, but I love and miss you. I miss everything about you and our little family, I want to grow it together, I want to send our kids off to college hand in hand." She moved closer, holding my hand tightly so I wouldn't be able to pull away. "Tell me that you don't want that too, that you don't want to be with me, that you don't love me."

"Callie of course I love you and I want them things!" I sighed as I pulled away and stood up, starting to pace around the room. "But both times we ended our marriage I got hurt! Sofia got hurt, I can't cope with that again, I wouldn't be able to lose you again."

"You won't, I promise you that you won't." She said as she got up and walked over to me. "I'll be at the archers hotel room 202, if you want to give us another chance you know where to find me. But I've got to go, I have a meeting with Bailey about a job."

She kisses me gently before leaving, I just stood there in shock.

my surgery went on way longer than expected so Meredith offered to have Sofia for the rest of the night.

It's currently 1 am and I have been sitting outside of Callie's hotel room for the past hour, when I first arrived I was so confident that I was going to tell her that I couldn't do it but it was great that she was going to be closer for Sofia but then I froze, the idea of us all being a family made me rethink everything.

Callie's pov-

I was staring at my phone looking at the time, hoping that she would turn up outside my door, it was currently 1:30am when I heard shuffling around outside then a small knock on the door along with a few swear words.

Yup that's my y/n, I couldn't help but smile as I rushed off of the bed and towards the door.

I opened it and there she was, awkwardly standing there.

"Hi." She said before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

We were now laid on the hotel bed, she was wrapped up in the covers as she stared at me.

"I need to make a couple things clear before we try again." She told me as she sat up properly. "I need you to understand that If this doesn't work again it's going to break me so this is the last time we are trying and it's going to start off as dating again, we will co parent Sofia as normal, we will go on dates and have sleepovers to start off with."

"So basically starting a whole new relationship? I like the sound of getting to know you all over again." I smiled before kissing her. "But I think I want to get to know your body all over again."

"I like the sound of that but only if you get me those amazing waffles when we wake up." She joked and kissing me lovingly.

"That I can do and I can also take you and our daughter for a picnic."

Not proof read
1401 words

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