You left- arizona robbins

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Description- soon after Arizona moved to Seattle grace hospital, her and y/n fall in love but what happens after the shooting and Arizona moving to Africa and on top of that y/n finds out she's pregnant but Zona still doesn't want kids so she leaves

Arizona g!p
Y/n is mark Sloan's little sister
Y/n's pov-

I sat in the bathroom as Arizona was packing for us going to Africa tomorrow.

I've been feeling sick recently and at first I think it was nerves about moving to a different country but it's still not gone away.

"Honey, I'm going to pick us up some dinner do you want me to grab anything?" I asked calmly as I walked towards the front door.

There's only one way to find out if I'm pregnant or not and that's to go to the hospital and get a free pregnancy test from the clinic.

I wasn't going to pay 5 dollars for two tests and dollar tree was closed.

"No but can you run by the hospital to grab my jacket I left in the attendings lounge."

"Okay!" I smiled and ran out the apartment and across the road to the hospital, I'll just give myself a blood test and say it's urgent.

I stared at the blood test, pregnant.

I was pregnant with the woman I loves baby but she doesn't want children.

I folded they paper up in my pocket and walked into our apartment, placing her jacket on one of the cases.

The storage people must of came to collect the boxes as the only things left were the cases we were taking with us and the furniture as we were renting the apartment out for the two years we were away.

"Zona can we talk?" I asked, trying not to cry.

I have to tell her, I mean we are going to Africa tomorrow so it's not like I can get an abortion and I don't want to anyway.

I always wanted kids and sons knows that, we agreed that we will revisit the subject when her time in Africa is done but I guess that's not possible anymore.

"What's up?" She smiled and sat down on the sofa.

"I really don't know how to say this- I'm pregnant." I sighed and looked down at my hands. "I know it's not the time for kids and I honestly don't know how it happened. I'm on the pill and you always use condoms-"

She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I guess you can stay here a couple extra weeks and get an abortion and then come to Africa after."

"Why is your first thought abortion?" I asked kind of hurt, I want this baby.

"Because we are going to Africa, I am finally where I want to be in my career and I don't know- I said I didn't want kids for a while!" She screamed and got up. "God- what are we going to do."

" I want the baby, I have always wanted kids- I want our baby." I was able to get out through my tears as I watched Arizona pacing back and forth.

"I guess I'll go to Africa on my own and you can stay and raise your kid."

"No matter how much you deny it, you are going to be a mother in I don't know how many months just an absent one." I sighed and got up. "I have to go beg for my job back. I'll stay at Meredith's tonight and then come back and call the renters in the morning."

She didn't even stop me as I walked out and back to the hospital to beg for my job back and explain that I was pregnant.

I ended up just staying in marks spare room and leaving the renters to live there, it was more money for me and I don't think I could live in that house without Arizona and knowing she left me and our unborn baby.

I was now 5 months pregnant and Arizona had been gone for 3 and a half months.

"How are you feeling?" Mark asked as he made us dinner, he insisted that I had a salad and this weird green smoothie while he made burgers for us.

"Tired and this kid won't move off my bladder." I sighed and took a sip of the disgusting smoothie.

"I forgot to grab cheese so I'll go grab it from the shop before I even start cooking the meat." He smiled before putting down the chopping knife and leaving for the shop.

"Pick me up some chocolate milk? Your niece or nephew wants it."

"Chocolate milk, got it!"

Only a few minutes later there was a knock on the door. 

"Mark did you forget your keys again." I laughed and opened the door to reveal the woman I am in love with but so angry at.

"So imagine this, I'm doing all this great work and helping kids but I can't stop crying and one day of got so much they asked me if I was okay and I say I miss my girlfriend and my baby. They asked me if I wanted to go home and go t say no because that's all I ever really wanted but the word yes comes out instead because even though I didn't realise it at first you and our baby is all i really want." She said and gave me the sunshine smile that I fell in love with.

It took everything inside me to shut the door.

She walked away when she knew I was pregnant and now she's back?


"So she's just back for good?" Mark asked as we got ready to go to work a few days later, Arizona got her job back and is always trying to speak to me.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed and we walke d out only to face a load of boxes in the hall way.

What's going on are my renters leaving without letting me know?

Suddenly Arizona walked out and grabs another box.

"Y/n!" She smiled and moved so she should see me properly. "I brought out our renters!"

"My renters, they were my renters." I said trying not to blow up.

Did she expect I would welcome her home with open arms.

She wanted me to get an abortion and when I said no she left  and now she's back and it's suddenly all okay?

"We'll now I'm your renter! Oh I bought this really cute baby onesie at the airport, I didn't know the gender so it gender neutral but our baby is going to have the best style."

I looked at mark confused and he just gave Arizona a polite smile and lead me out saying that we could talk later.

I walked into my old apartment and saw Arizona on the sofa folding a pile of baby clothes.

"I shouldn't hold you not wanting a baby against you but what's changed now, why do you now want to be a parent?" I asked as I sat down beside her.

"Because being away from you made me realise how much I loved you and I realised that I want our baby and I was just being selfish."

"I have a scan to find out the gender tomorrow and I am five months pregnant so I just had very late symptoms." I laughed as I picked up one of the items of baby clothes.

"We are going to have the most handsome baby boy or beautiful baby girl alive." She laughed and held me tightly.

It was later that night and I was watching something on the tv when Arizona and mark walked in carrying a box with a picture of a cot on.

"You went out to buy a cot?" I giggled as they carried it into yangs old room.

"The best one there is, my niece or nephew deserves the best."

I smiled and held my bump, yes it was shit at the start but now it's perfect.

Not proof read
1355 words

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