You cant leave- meredith grey

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Description: Meredith fell for the resident that was in her last year, when it's time y/n to pick where she does her fellowship in cardio Meredith spends months trying to convince the woman to stay under her sister Maggie. (They are dating or even know they both like each other yet.)

Y/n's pov-

I just got back to work after having yet another interview with a hospital.

"Dr y/l/n there is another fruit basket for you." My favorite nurse Lila said as she pushed forward a bag full of fruit and a bottle of wine. "Cleveland clinic sent it."

"I literally just left there!" I sighed as I thanked her and stared to chuck fruit at the interns.

"I've only ever seen one over person have every hospital want her and trying to bribe her to come." Owen said as he walked beside me, taking a banana. "Cristina Yang."

"I had an offer to go work with her but for some reason she called saying she could no longer have me." I sighed, I really wanted to go but I think Meredith said something to her.

Meredith doesn't like me much, people say I'm crazy and I'm making it all up but she's always doing something to make my plans fall through.

"Oh, well hopefully we can convince you to stay. I enjoy working with you and I know Bailey does and she's the chief."

"Maybe but there isn't much for me here anymore." I smiled and grabbed the bottle of wine. "Have the rest of the fruit."

I handed the bottle of wine to Maggie, who was sat with her sisters, meaning Meredith was there.

"I don't drink but it was sent in a fruit basket so I thought I'll give it to you because you taught me a lot." I said before sending a quick smile to Amelia.

I was really close to her, we met at a meeting and something clicked.
She's my person and I love her like a sister.

"Who sent it this time?" She asked as she got up and started to grab her things.

"Cleveland clinic" I laughed as I said goodbye to Maggie and gave Meredith a polite smile and she just rolled her eyes at me as we left.


Meredith's pov-

"You can't let her leave!" I told Maggie when y/n and Amelia left to talk about the beautiful girl's interview. "What are you doing to get her to stay?"

"I'm doing all I can, but I can't force her to stay if she doesn't want to." She said as she continued to eat her lunch.

"Yes we can! We can convince her to stay by uping every one-else's offer or getting them to back off her."

"Like you had Cristina do?" She asked sending a glare my way.

"I had to! I don't want her to leave."

"But you won't tell her how you feel, she thinks you hate her." Maggie said as she ate like y/n wasn't going to leave in less than a month. "Especially after the Cristina thing, she was looking forward to going, she was looking at apartments and was talking about all the great opportunities she was going to have and you just took that away from her."

"What was I supposed to do?" I tried to defend myself but when she put it that way I felt bad. "Let the woman I fell for leave?"

"No, you tell her how you feel or you back off and let her find a job."

"Whatever, just do everything in your power to make her stay." I sighed before walking off.

It's been a month and I am leaving to go pick up the kids when I saw y/n sat in the waiting room staring at her phone with tears running down her face.

It was her boards this weekend, what if she didn't pass? April didn't so there is a chance.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I sat beside her worried.

"I passed! I actually passed but now I have no clue what I'm doing next." She said as she held two acceptation letters while the rest were on the coffee table. "I thinking one of these."

Neither one of them were grey-Sloan.

"You still want to leave?" I asked a little hurt, I've been trying to show he that I'm in love with her by being nicer but it's clearly not working.

"There's nothing here for me really, Stephanie left and Jo is the only one of our intern class staying." She explained as she started to pack everything away. "So why stay when I'll just be alone."

She started to walk away but something inside told me to not let her go as if it was the last time I would see her if I let her go now.

So I rushed after her, kicking the interns that were in the elevator out and stopping it all together once it started to move.

"You can't leave." I said out of nowhere. "You have to stay."

"Why, up until a couple weeks ago you hated me." She asked confused before she shook her head. "If it's because of Maggie I'm sure she will understand that I'm leaving for me."

"No, it's not about Maggie." I paused, do I really want to do this? "I want you to stay."

"Why would you want me to stay?! i haven't been on your service in over a year."

"Because I'm in love with you y/n and that's why I've done everything in my power to get you to stay and why I acted like I didn't like you so I could try get over you but I can't." I confessed as I walked closer and took her hands into mine. "I've never felt this love for someone not even Derek so it scared me but I am madly in love with you and I don't want you to leave."

The next thing I know her lips are on mine and we are making out.

"I'll stay." She mumbled into my lips before pulling away fully. "I'll stay if that's what you really want me to because I want to give us a chance."

"Let's give us a chance." I smiled, holding her tightly.

"Now let's get moving because I have to go tell Bailey I'm staying." She laughed as we just stood in the middle of the elevator holding each other.

Maybe I should of told her how I felt earlier.

Not proof read
1099 words

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