Jealousy -Addison Montgomery

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Description: y/n has been in love with Addison since a couple months after Addie arrived in LA but she thinks that Addison doesn't give her a second glance because she's just violets little sister who is peds fellow and has a daughter. So one day at a get together Addison through to celebrate one year of her being in LA y/n gets jealous and leaves making Addison worried.


Y/n's pov-

I was going over some notes in violets office while my daughter, Maddie played.

We were waiting for violet to be ready to leave as we were going to get dinner together.

I had grown close to everyone at the practice so here I spend alot of time here when I'm not at work or if Maddie wanted to do something else what is quite rare because she loves it here.

"Y/n, Maddie!" Addison's voice called from the door making me jump and watch as Maddie ran into Addison arms. "How was your day at school munchkin?"

"Amazing! My teacher said it's my time to take the class pet home this weekend."

"That sounds great, I bet your mom is excited about looking after a hamster."

"Nope, dad's weekend so it's his problem isn't it baby?"

"Mhm, gonna make him scoop the poop." My lively 7 year old agreed and made Addison pick her up.

I love watching them together, maddie adored addie and I can tell that Addison adores Maddie as well.

"You better, princesses don't pick up poop." Addison smirked and sat next to me.

"Mama picks up the dogs poop but she's a princess is she not?" Maddie pouts in thought.

"No mama is a queen and queens have to deal with everyone's poop."

I smiled at Addie before packing up mine and maddie's things while they talked.

"So what's mommy doing while your at your dads?" I heard Addison ask Maddie but I know the question was aimed at me.

"Being boring and missing me?" Maddie answered earning a laugh from us both.

"Cleaning the house, surgery on Saturday then sleep all Sunday and then get everything ready for my baby to come home on Monday after school." I answered this time.

"Mommy doesn't do much when I'm gone because I'm her whole world, atleast that's what nanny and aunt vi says." Maddie said as she walked over to the hamster's cage to talk to him about her dads.

"You should come to my party on Sunday, it's to celebrate my 1st year here and I would really like it if you came." She asked, moving closer to me. 

"Sure, what time do I need to be at yours then?" I asked back, I don't know how to say no to her.

"Party starts at 7:30pm but the practice is having a barbecue at 5:30 so come then." She smiled and gave me a hug before saying goodbye to mads and leaving suddenly.

"You ready to go?" Violet asked as she walked into her office.



I walked into Addison's house behind Amelia and violet.

"Where's the alcohol?" I asked when I saw Addison laughing with a man I didn't know.

"In the fridge."charlotte said as she walked up to us and gave me a quick hug.

"Who is he anyway?" I asked as I took a sip of the beer before it was took away from me by violet.

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