Pregnant- mom- Meredith girlfriend-jo wilson

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Description: Meredith had a daughter at  16 what was awful as ellis tried to make her regret it everyday but she would never regret having her because y/n. But 17 years later y/n finds out she's pregnant.

I'm gonna age jo down a lot and Meredith up a lot for s5 when Lexi is in it.

Addison and Meredith have Derek's and Meredith's story line so Derek now lives in La.

Ages: Mer-33
Jo Wilson g!p

Y:n's pov-

I was sat down in Jo's car staring at the stupid positive pregnancy test.

"What are we going to do?" Jo asked, taking my hand into hers.

"I- I want to keep it. I have a job and I've been saving so even if my mom kicks me out I'll have a place and you can move in and we can raise it together while studying for college and med school." I mumbled still staring at the test.

"We will have the most amazing baby ever." She smiled and kissed me gently. "It's going to be a heart breaker if it looks anything like you."

"Our baby is gonna be the smartest there is- shit." I exclaimed when I saw the time. "Mom wants me home in 20 minutes and I can't let her find out something is up before I tell her."

"Right let's get you home." Jo said as she started up the car, her free hand still holding mine tightly.

"Lexi?" I asked my aunt as I walked into the hospital after school.

"Y/n? What are you doing her, your moms in surgery and Addie is I don't know where she is to be honest."

"I know that's why I came, I think I might be pregnant and you are the only one I can tell because aunt Cristina will tell." I sighed as she looked at me apologetically but also smirked at me.

"But you know I can't tell her because she refuses to talk to me as we got into a fight?"

"That and your my aunt?" I tried to joke but she just shock her head and led me over to Addison after walking around for a while, really she brings me to my moms wife and my step mom. "Lexi no she will tell my mom!"

"Tell your mom what?" The red head asked as she looked at me, she's became like a second mom so this is just as stressful as my mom finding out.

I was actually thinking about asking her to adopt me and letting me call her mama.

"She won't because it breaks hipa."

"She's not my patient so no it won't." She said as she crossed her arms. "Y/n Y/m/n grey tell me what's going on."

"I get that your  my mother but I don't have to tell you."

"Did you just call me your mother?" She asked as she broke out in a smile and pulled me into a tight hug. "Now tell me that's going on."

I looked at Lexi, scared I trust Addie I'm just worried what will happen when it's all out in the open.

"I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, I need to know if it was real or a false positive so please help me." I sobbed and allowed her to pull me into another hug.

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