We know- callie and arizona

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Description: y/n has had a crush on callie and Arizona but they are in a relationship so she's stuck just being their friend they invite over for girl nights but little does she know that they know and have been flirting with her for a while, what happens when y/n decides she wants to move on so she looked into different jobs.

Y/n's pov-

I walked into the hospital and saw my best friends stood at the main nurses desk.

"Hey guys." I smiled and gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek each before grabbing a chart that a nurse was handing to me.

"Hey, got any plans for tomorrow night?" Arizona asked as she pushed some of my hair out of my face before leaning into Callie. "We were thinking you could come over and watch a movie with us."

They shared a creepy smile that made me look at them confused before shaking the thought out of my head and turned to my chart.

"Sorry I have w-"

"We checked the schedule you aren't working." Callie said with a pointed look.

I may or may not be avoiding spending time with them out of work so I can get rid of these stupid feelings I have for them.

"I have a walk around a hospital that I'm thinking of taking a job at." I sighed as I told them the truth. "Boston reached out and offered me a place as their head of cardio and all the things I need to follow my research. I'm leaving tonight to visit the hospital tomorrow."

"Your leaving?" Arizona asked as her and Callie both had a look on their face I couldn't figure out.

"Maybe, I need to find where I belong and maybe that's in Boston."

"You belong here with us." Callie said as she tilted her head.

"We will still be friends if I'm moving." I sighed before finally reading the chart. "I've got to go, I have a patient."

I quickly checked out their outfits before heading towards the attending lounge to change into my scrubs.

Arizona's pov-

"She just checked us out." I laughed and looked at my girlfriend who was watching our crush walk away.

"She's moving." Callie sighed as she leaned into me.

"We won't let her, we will tell her how we feel before she leaves and if she still wants to leave we will make it work."

"What if she doesn't want us? What if we read it all wrong and she doesn't like us back?" She sighed and I could feel her tears on my neck.

"Then we will deal with it if we ever get there but I'm sure it won't." I whispered against her head lovingly.


Y/n walked into the cafeteria two days later, she looked really happy.

"Y/n!" Callie called her over.

"Hey guys!" She smiled and looked around for a free seat as we were sat at a two seat table.

But before she could find one, Callie pulled her into her lap.

"Callie!" She giggled but just leaned into her instead of trying to fight her.

"So how did the hospital thing go?" I asked her anxiously as I leaned forward to feed her some of my pasta knowing she just had a surgery and she had another one in 30 minutes.

"They offered me a job, showed me a whole research lap that would be mine if I want it and when I came back Owen tried to one up it all so now I have two amazing offers and I have no clue what do do but all I know is I get to do my research project."

"That's great!" Callie smiled and tighten her grip on her.

"So what do you think you are going to do?" I asked as I fed her another bite.

"I want to watch a movie and forget about it until tomorrow because I have to answer in four days." She replied and stole my fork to feed herself.

"Why don't you come over tonight and we can watch a movie and order Chinese?" Callie asked as she rubbed y/n's arm gently.

"That's my favorite!" Y/n smiled as she passes me back my food and says that she'll see us later and before leaving for her surgery.

"So are we going to tell her?" I asked my girlfriend as I leaned forward to steal some of Callie's pizza.

"Yeah, we need to tell her so we can all figure out what we want next." Callie smiled and kissed me before going off to check on her patient.

"I have wine and popcorn!" Y/n smiled as she used her key to let herself in.

"We need to talk before we start drinking" Callie said as she lifted y/n and throwing her onto the sofa making me laugh at their antics.

"Why must you always chuck me about?"y/n asked as she cuddles into me when I sat down next to her.

"Because it's fun." Callie smiled and sat on the other side of y/n.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Y/n asked with a smiled, my hand moving to play with her hair while her head was against my chest.

"We love you." Callie said as she looked at us with a smile.

"I love you guys too." She laughed and went to grab the wine but we stopped her again.

"No we love you, like we want to be with you love you." I said as I mad her look up at us. "We want you to join our relationship, we want you to be our girlfriend."

She just freezes and looks at us.

"If this is just a way to make me stay please don't do it because your messing with my feelings because I love you guys." She said as she looked hurt.

"No we aren't doing this to make you stay if you accept us and agree to join our relationship and still want to leave then we will make it work because we love you and want to be with you." Callie said as she gently smiled at her.

"I want to be with you guys to, that's why I was going to leave because I was so scared that I was going to lose you if I told you my feelings." She said with a small smile, I think it was sinking in that we really did want her.

"So is that a yes? Will you be our girlfriend?" I asked hopefully.

"Yea it's a yes!" She smiled and kissed me then Callie.

Not proof read
1122 words

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